Lecture 002

I mentioned today an excellent book on the primitive "graphics" techniques used by Renaissance (and older) artists to produce very realistic paintings. Here it is, highly recommended: Here

Rasterization vs Ray Tracing

Rasterization vs Ray Tracing

Rasterization: process triangles in parallel (smaller memory)

Ray Tracing: allow recursion, but computation intensive

For ray-plane, ray-triangle intersection, see 15-462.

Surface Representations

Surface Representations


Mesh is good since error goes down quickly as we increase number of faces.

Mesh is good since error goes down quickly as we increase number of faces.

Triangle List or Face Set (STL)

Indexed Face Set (OBJ, OFF, WRL)

Besides mesh geometry, we often store other information: color, sharpness, continuity and discontinuities.

Vertex Data: surface normal, texture coordinates, positions

Piecewise planar approximation converges pretty quickly O(h^2) to the smooth geometry as the number of triangles increase, but surface normal converges with O(h). So we need interpolate face normal.

Ray Tracing Cost: n_{xy} \times n_o where n_{xy} is the number of pixels and n_o is the number of triangles.

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