Documentation 001

This is project Documentation, for Research and Concept, and Experiments see Here.


In the mid 21 centries, countries realized the effect of global warming as the frequency of floods increase over time. Many walls were built in major economic centers that were close to the sea. At the same time, AI technologies were put into active use in policing, national defense, and censorship. In 2098, the global anti-technology censorship organization blew up the walls of 6 cities. Many people lost their lives. People who lived retracted to the high areas above sea level and built walls there to prevent future floods. Cities outside the new wall submerged into the sea forever.

In the mid 21 centries, countries realized the effect of global warming as the frequency of floods increase over time. Many walls were built in major economic centers that were close to the sea. At the same time, AI technologies were put into active use in policing, national defense, and censorship. In 2098, the global anti-technology censorship organization blew up the walls of 6 cities. Many people lost their lives. People who lived retracted to the high areas above sea level and built walls there to prevent future floods. Cities outside the new wall submerged into the sea forever.

Process and Failures

First Try

First Try

Second Try

Second Try

Credit and How did I make it

Models I borrowed include the following list

  1. A Spaceship Model
  2. A Drone Model
  3. A Wall Model
  4. A random image online of the clouds as background

Geometry View

Geometry View

Texture View

Texture View

Everything except the list above is made by myself. I designed two different city generation algorithms to generate the city above and below sea level. I designed the material and shader graph of every component of the image. I designed the lighting in the environment to fit the theme of the technological future. I used some post-processing techniques to make my image alive using bloom. I am most proud of my spaceship flame.

Critique Reflection

In the critique, some observations were made to the image

  1. there seems to be a separation of wealth in the image (separated by the wall)
  2. there is a bike-like flying machine
  3. there are drones
  4. there are dark clouds, rendering a negative emotion
  5. there is a church in the lower cities

From these observations, it is clear that the main elements were conveyed well through the image, even though the image was darker on the projector screen. The only element that is not recognized within the image is the water underneath the lower cities. I did realize this issue before my final rendering: if I were to make the water more visible, cities would appear more like boxes since I used focal length and brightness to hide details of the buildings. In fact, I was a little unsure whether the buildings would come through the image since they are very cheaply made due to time constraints. But they did.

Good composition encourages interesting alternative readings of the story. The contrast of the tall-bright inner city with the small-dark outer city gave the audience enough space for imagination.

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