
Systemd: a linux service management system. It manages all the process from the start of the system.

There are standard methods to call systemd:

To config .service file, you can modify user-wide /usr/lib/systemd or systemwide /etc/systemd/system/*.service, or permissioned-systemd /etc/systemd/user. Or you can make it default with /lib/systemd/system/*.service Usually we put in /etc/systemd/system/*.service, for more info, visit stackoverflow

Below is a template that can help you write *.system file.

Requires=dependency1.service dependency2.service

RemainAfterExit=yes/no (only specified when oneshot)
ExecStart=/path/to/zsh ./
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "echo you can have none or multiple ExecStart is you use oneshot, otherwise only one"
ExecStop=/bin/bash -c "echo something && echo other things"


Common Mistakes

Service Type

This section is (non-exact) copy of original article here

Simple service and follow-up units timing

Simple service and follow-up units timing

Oneshot service and follow-up units timing

Oneshot service and follow-up units timing

Situration: Something Depends on Simple Type


Description=Simple service test

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "echo Simple service - start && sleep 60 && echo Simple service - end"


Description=Dependent service

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "echo Dependent service - running"

Starting dep-simple-test.service will start simple-test.service first (because of the After/Requires directives), and the logging shows:

Jun 19 20:28:16 thstring20200619162314 systemd[1]: Started Simple service test.
Jun 19 20:28:16 thstring20200619162314 systemd[1]: Started Dependent service.
Jun 19 20:28:16 thstring20200619162314 bash[1238]: Simple service - start
Jun 19 20:28:16 thstring20200619162314 bash[1239]: Dependent service - running
Jun 19 20:28:16 thstring20200619162314 systemd[1]: dep-simple-test.service: Succeeded.
Jun 19 20:29:16 thstring20200619162314 bash[1238]: Simple service - end
Jun 19 20:29:16 thstring20200619162314 systemd[1]: simple-test.service: Succeeded.

You can see the dependency runs first but the depended program will start immediately around the same time without waiting for the dependency to finish execute.

Situration: Something Depends on Oneshot Type


Description=Oneshot service test

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "echo Oneshot service - start && sleep 60 && echo Oneshot service - end"


Description=Dependent service

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "echo Dependent service - running"
Jun 19 20:31:46 thstring20200619162314 systemd[1]: Starting Oneshot service test...
Jun 19 20:31:46 thstring20200619162314 bash[1420]: Oneshot service - start
Jun 19 20:32:46 thstring20200619162314 bash[1420]: Oneshot service - end
Jun 19 20:32:46 thstring20200619162314 systemd[1]: oneshot-test.service: Succeeded.
Jun 19 20:32:46 thstring20200619162314 systemd[1]: Started Oneshot service test.
Jun 19 20:32:46 thstring20200619162314 systemd[1]: Started Dependent service.
Jun 19 20:32:46 thstring20200619162314 bash[1440]: Dependent service - running
Jun 19 20:32:46 thstring20200619162314 systemd[1]: dep-oneshot-test.service: Succeeded.

You can see the program wait for the dependency to finish execution.

Type Before During After
Simple inactive (dead) active (running) inactive (dead)
Oneshot inactive (dead) activating (start) inactive (dead)
Oneshot (RemainAfterExit) inactive (dead) activating (start) active (exited)

Situration: Something Depends on Oneshot Type and RemainAfterExit=yes


Description=Oneshot service test with ExecStop and RemainAfterExit

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "echo Oneshot service - start && sleep 60 && echo Oneshot service - end"
ExecStop=/bin/bash -c "echo Oneshot service - stop"

Running systemctl status on this service at it has run, we can see the difference:

● oneshot-execstop-remainafterexit.service - Oneshot service test with ExecStop and RemainAfterExit
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/oneshot-execstop-remainafterexit.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (exited) since Fri 2020-06-19 21:07:54 UTC; 8s ago
  Process: 1708 ExecStart=/bin/bash -c echo Oneshot service - start && sleep 60 && echo Oneshot service - end (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 1708 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

Jun 19 21:06:54 thstring20200619162314 systemd[1]: Starting Oneshot service test with ExecStop and RemainAfterExit...
Jun 19 21:06:54 thstring20200619162314 bash[1708]: Oneshot service - start
Jun 19 21:07:54 thstring20200619162314 bash[1708]: Oneshot service - end
Jun 19 21:07:54 thstring20200619162314 systemd[1]: Started Oneshot service test with ExecStop and RemainAfterExit.

You can see with RemainAfterExit=yes, oneshot program will show active even after program finish execution.

If we run systemctl stop oneshot-execstop-remainafterexit.service, then it will execute ExecStop=/bin/bash -c "echo Oneshot service - stop":

Jun 19 21:07:54 thstring20200619162314 systemd[1]: Started Oneshot service test with ExecStop and RemainAfterExit.
Jun 19 21:08:58 thstring20200619162314 systemd[1]: Stopping Oneshot service test with ExecStop and RemainAfterExit...
Jun 19 21:08:58 thstring20200619162314 bash[1900]: Oneshot service - stop
Jun 19 21:08:58 thstring20200619162314 systemd[1]: oneshot-execstop-remainafterexit.service: Succeeded.
Jun 19 21:08:58 thstring20200619162314 systemd[1]: Stopped Oneshot service test with ExecStop and RemainAfterExit.

This is in contrast to RemainAfterExit=no (default behavior) as shown below:

Situration: Something Depends on Oneshot Type and RemainAfterExit=no


Description=Oneshot service test with ExecStop

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "echo Oneshot service - start && sleep 60 && echo Oneshot service - end"
ExecStop=/bin/bash -c "echo Oneshot service - stop"
● oneshot-execstop.service - Oneshot service test with ExecStop
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/oneshot-execstop.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)

Jun 19 21:04:10 thstring20200619162314 systemd[1]: Starting Oneshot service test with ExecStop...
Jun 19 21:04:10 thstring20200619162314 bash[1480]: Oneshot service - start
Jun 19 21:05:10 thstring20200619162314 bash[1480]: Oneshot service - end
Jun 19 21:05:10 thstring20200619162314 bash[1604]: Oneshot service - stop
Jun 19 21:05:10 thstring20200619162314 systemd[1]: oneshot-execstop.service: Succeeded.
Jun 19 21:05:10 thstring20200619162314 systemd[1]: Started Oneshot service test with ExecStop.

We can see that the ExecStop ran immediately when the ExecStart was done.

Oneshot Service's Multiple ExecStart

oneshot service has special power:

When multiple ExecStart are defined, the service fail if one of the ExecStart fails:


Description=Oneshot service test with multiple ExecStart and failure

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "echo First"
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "false && echo Second"
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "echo Third"
$ sudo systemctl start oneshot-multiple-execstart-failure.service
Job for oneshot-multiple-execstart-failure.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See "systemctl status oneshot-multiple-execstart-failure.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.

$ sudo journalctl -u oneshot-multiple-execstart-failure.service
-- Logs begin at Mon 2020-06-22 13:24:01 UTC, end at Mon 2020-06-22 13:37:16 UTC. --
Jun 22 13:36:53 thstring20200622092223 systemd[1]: Starting Oneshot service test with multiple ExecStart and failure...
Jun 22 13:36:53 thstring20200622092223 bash[1441]: First
Jun 22 13:36:53 thstring20200622092223 systemd[1]: oneshot-multiple-execstart-failure.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Jun 22 13:36:53 thstring20200622092223 systemd[1]: oneshot-multiple-execstart-failure.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jun 22 13:36:53 thstring20200622092223 systemd[1]: Failed to start Oneshot service test with multiple ExecStart and failure.

However, if you want to prevent this behavior, you can add - character in front of the executable.


Description=Oneshot service test with multiple ExecStart and failure

ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "echo First"
ExecStart=-/bin/bash -c "false && echo Second"
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c "echo Third"
-- Logs begin at Mon 2020-06-22 13:24:01 UTC, end at Mon 2020-06-22 13:39:04 UTC. --
Jun 22 13:38:59 thstring20200622092223 systemd[1]: Starting Oneshot service test with multiple ExecStart and failure...
Jun 22 13:38:59 thstring20200622092223 bash[1553]: First
Jun 22 13:38:59 thstring20200622092223 bash[1555]: Third
Jun 22 13:38:59 thstring20200622092223 systemd[1]: oneshot-multiple-execstart-failure-success.service: Succeeded.
Jun 22 13:38:59 thstring20200622092223 systemd[1]: Started Oneshot service test with multiple ExecStart and failure.

When you are deciding which service type to choose between simple and oneshot, here is some guidance:

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