Lecture 002

Neural Tools

Why use neural tools: interested in specific part of the brain

Structure of the Brain

CT Scans


Different Methods in MRI. Visibility of seizure is prominant in DWI but not in T1W. Anatomical detail in DWI is not apparent in T1W.

DIfferent Angles in MRI

PET: not really used

fMRI: functional MRI

Different Sets of Control Group: (1) general control group faces vs. object; (2) maybe sensitive to low-level structures of pixels; (3) maybe sensitive to visual categories

Networks: multiple regions of brain on specific or general things (e.g. hard tasks)

DTI: one way to visualize connectivity; made by tracking the movement of water molecules

Neural Psychology: study lesion using "voxel-based leision symptom mapping" and make statistic correlation with functional impair

How to Read Neural Imaging Paper

  1. Understand question (Introduction)
  2. What is being compared to what (Methods)
  3. Behavioral Data and Graphs (Results)
  4. Neural Data (Results)

Examples of Neural Data: data in different views; Colored region are statistical significant compared to controll group; Non-colored regions signals no difference. We are most interested in red (activated) regions than blue (less activated compared to comtrolls) regions because blue regions are confounding in different trails. Red region help us answer our question.

You don't need to understand charts stuff. They are for comparing with other studies and non-important details.

Non-Invasive Neural Methods

EEG (Electroencephalography): non-invasive electors measure of electrical signals projected to surface of the skull.

MEG (Magnetoencephalography): high spacial and temporal resolution


tDCS: Transcranial Dirrect Current Stimulation



Invasive Neural Methods

ECoG (electrocorticography): record passive data from the brain

Awake Surgery: playing guitar while doing surgery

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