Lecture 009



Cultural expectation of parenting


  1. Consider the gender of the author and the characters: what role does gender play in the text? The role of a woman is typically seen as being the mother/caretaker in society so it was a question of if she was a bad mother and not really considering any other influence or if the father was a bad father; blame was on the mother who is a woman.

  2. Observe how gender stereotypes might be reinforced or undermined. How does the text reflect or distort the place men or women have in society? Only the mother got a phone call from the CFS -> reinforce gender stereotypes. The husband seems not to be worried about the possibility of his children being taken away as much. The person who is most concerned about her child being allowed to play alone is female.

  3. How might you read the text from the point of view of someone from a different gender identity than yourself? Looking at it from a female perspective likely gives the story more impact since one might be able to identify more strongly with the motherly instinct and fear presented in the comic. Being male, I do however identify with her son quite strongly and his fear of being taken away from loving parents. Looking from a male perspective, I would perhaps not identify with motherly instinct or overwhelming concern. As a female, I can feel her nervousness and how much responsibility she must feel she has on her shoulders. From a male perspective, it might be difficult to fully understand that. If I were a male, I would perhaps see the father’s perspective more clearly and have a stronger opinion/relation on his reaction to the situation.

  4. How does the image / drawing portray gender roles in the comic? Does it challenge women’s domestic role or reinforce it? There are significantly more images of the mother than the father (though this likely stems from the story being recounted from her perspective.


How expectation change during history?

Psychological Lens

Artistic / Illustration vs. Essaic Comics Does art serve us better? Or text?

Social Class

Unconscious bias: wealthy family could "provide more" -> greater expectation + greater protection.

CRA reflection

Please respond to these questions about your CRA writing process and your impressions overall about what are the "takeaways" from writing this genre.

  1. Reflect on your entire process of writing this paper, from your initial task analysis, to planning and drafting, to peer review and revising. What did you learn? Is there anything that you feel you had to “unlearn”? Explain. What were the greatest challenges that emerged in your writing process for the CRA, and how did you handle them?

Throughout the process there is little for me to un-learn. Most of my high school writing strategy successfully transfer to college essay writing. I learned a lot from peer reviewing because peer reviewing allows my to identify sentences that guides the reader through. It also let me see different writing strategies that I have not thought about. The greatest challenge, I think, is the word choice. My word choice were too abstract in my thesis that my peers could not fully understand. Some of the sentences are too wordy and I could have use less words to explain them. I revised those sentences by tweaking the words and sentence stricture iteratively.

  1. Consider the kinds of feedback you received from your instructor and from your peers. What specific revisions did you produce in response to the feedback you received? To what extent did you have a strategy for how you decided the relevance of peer and teacher feedback for your revision?

Based on the feedback, I changed up the structure of sentence in my thesis and re-wrote some sentences in the 2nd and 3rd paragraphs. I have also implemented minor detailed changes in other paragraphs. My peer give me different view on my essay so that others and their opinions can sometimes be more useful than my own because they are fresh-minded. If more than one peers point out a similar issue, then there is a strong indication that something need to be changed to make the essay more understandable.

  1. Based upon your experience with this assignment, what do you know you will carry into the process for writing your next paper? Why?

I will have a thesis driven essay, using narrative and informational language with a clear structure of organization: claim, evidence, and support. Because this form of writing can better tell a story to the reader and communicate my opinion of a specific literary work well.

  1. Can you name some of the connections between the genre of the thesis-driven, close reading analysis and other kinds of writing you might need to produce for other classes? For an internship? In your profession? What will you “take away,” in terms of your learning memories, that you know you will be able to adapt or translate into a new communication genre? Imagine the micro skills of the genre and imagine their relevance across disciplines and writing situations.

Thesis-driven, close reader analysis is closely related to writing academic research paper. Taking away from thesis-driven structure, research paper has such structure of organization too. In the first paragraph, often called abstract, a good writer will write background information as well as the central claim (result of the finding) and use other paragraphs to support the claim. Later paragraphs are consist of claims supported with visual or numerical data from the research, which is similar to evidence driven writing.

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