Write to give people who do not recognize Piper to be black
Piper: professor think black identity is taking over department
relate to "Mythic Being"
challenge white people's product are better - Hammon
The reason behind racial pretentious
Machine collaborator: sougwen chung Site specific:
1960-1970 movable (modifiable)
go against consumerism
not phiscially tie to site, but tie to slavery, culture, black, history, replication is not the art
New media art: art work with technology
Collaborator: as a partner, one to one
light performance, light projection
mechanical failure changing relationship between humanism and post-humanism
technology use as decorative
abstract black artist
social abstraction: abstraction as power
mimesis at midpoint
map making: create perspective
concept of home
Indie American
minimism, site-specific, but argue her work fit in conceptual: emphasis on process
idea of perception, way to perceive work is important
A list of word, translate script, resulting print
mimics own experience with home
word -> symbol -> abstract
images should be read as poem in line
Dividing Line: wood block print, not cutting line, but carved out white area than carve out land
not simplifying
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