Instructor: Dr.Andrew Newman Email: [email protected] (use [15-213] tag) Location: Wean Hall (WEH) 7500 Syllabus: Here Newman Office Hours: (M 11-12, W 3:30-4:30, R 11-12, could be online) Here Textbook: OpenStax Calculus Volume 3by Strang & Herman Here Piazza: Here Gradescope: Here Seat: first row middle
Grading Policy: Grades will be determined according to the following breakdown:
20% Homework
25% Midterm 1 (Friday, October 1st)
25% Midterm 2 (Wednesday, November 3rd)
30% Final Exam (70% new material)
Homework: from textbook, assigned Monday, due Monday, cooperation
5% penalty for 1st day late
10% penalty for 2nd day late
no acceptance afterward (solution posted on Canvas)
"homework assignments, you are allowed to work with other students in the class, however each student must submit their own solutions to the problems."
Practice problems: from textbook, ungraded
Recitation: Jeremy Beard ([email protected])
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