Lecture 007

Ada's Lecture

Limit of Human Reasoning


Statement: well-formed statement with a truth value

Axiom: obviously true statement

Deduction Rule: rule allow derive new true statements from other true statement

Proof: chain of deduction rules, starting from axioms, ending at the statement

GORM: good old mathematics FORM: formalized mathematics

Two Process

Two Process

Formalize Deduction and Mathematic System

First Order Logic (FOL): separation syntax and semantics

FOL Deduction Rules (Hilbert System): simple string manipulations (e.g. From S and S \rightarrow S' we can deduct S')

Axiomatic System: FOL vocabulary + computable axioms

Church-Turing Thesis for Mathematics (GORM-to-ZFC Thesis): The ZFC axiomatic system is the right model for GORM (Every GORM-proof compules down to a ZFC-proof - this is mostly true)

Properties of Axiomatic System

Consistency: for every statement S, at most one S or \lnot S is provable.

Soundness: If S is provable, then S is true. (We just need axioms to be true because Hilbert System preserve truth)

Completeness: For every statement S, at least one S or \lnot S is provable.

Hilbert's Program:

  1. formalize mathematical reasoning
  2. prove system is complete
  3. prove system is consistent
  4. \text{truth} \equiv \text{provable}

Incompleteness Theorem

Provable: there is a proof of S Refutable: there is a proof of \lnot S Independent: S is neither provable nor refutable Incompleteness exists an independent S

0th Incompleteness Theorem: not everything have finite description, therefore cannot reasoning about:

0th Incompleteness Theorem

0th Incompleteness Theorem

1st Incompleteness Theorem (Soundness #1)

Theorem: If ZFC is sound, it is incomplete. (there exists TM M such that "M(\langle{M}\rangle) \text{ accepts}" is independent of ZFC)

1st Incompleteness Theorem (Soundness #2): find explicits TM M such that M(\langle{M}\rangle) \text{ accepts} is independent of ZFC.

1st Incompleteness Theorem (Consistency): assume only consistency, not soundness Lemma: If a TM halt, then it is provable.

1st Incompleteness Theorem

1st Incompleteness Theorem
Theorem: If ZFC is consistent, then "M_X(\langle{M_X}\rangle) \text{ accepts}" is independent of ZFC

2nd Incompleteness Theorem

If ZFC is consistent, then not S is provable

If ZFC is consistent, then not S is provable
Conclusion: Assume "ZFC is consistent" is provable, then \lnot S is provable. However, "ZFC is consistent" also implies \lnot S is not provable (by 1st Incompleteness Theorem). Contradiction.

Theorem: If "ZFC is consistent", then "ZFC is consistent" is not provable.

Sutner's Lecture


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