Old Introduction

Instructor: Clayton Merrell 412-512-8590 Assistance: Lena Chen (send urgent email in title) Website: https://sites.google.com/andrew.cmu.edu/trs1-risk-agency-failure Slideshows: on website Shared Presentation: (Here) Meetings: (Zoom)


Written Assignment: Canvas Self-critiques Well-researched proposals Presentations Critical Writing Sketch Book (can be digital)


Course Schedule Here or Here


Participation: on time, with work ready Attendance: grade reduce by 1 letter grade after 3 absence or 3 late arrival :warning: (with videos on) Late Assignment: 10% reduction per day

A = Developed the requirements of the class to their fullest. Work shows extraordinary dedication and innovation. B = Satisfied the requirements of the class in innovative and thorough ways. Work stands out for quality and effort. C = Satisfied the requirements of the class. Work submitted on time, acceptably well done. D = Satisfied most of the requirements of the class. Some assignments late and/or poorly done. R = Satisfied less than 60% of the requirements of the class, more than a few assignments late or poorly done.


Material Needed

Skill Tutorial

Table of Content