Instructor: Andrew Johnson (Andrew)
Go to teach in Tsing Hua.
Been to Japan
What we did on Monday:
Nicholas Beak is here
Contemporary Arts
Numjun Bike: he use distortion TV, old TV stacked up
_: good sculptor Jean Cho: Michigan, cat, painting drawing BCSA, coffee dependencies Irene Yang: second year of college, too used to drawing Sion Park: sculpture stuff, 20 years old Ashley Kim: 3 pets, Nicholas Baek: CFA drawing and painting department, suspension in high school, like no participation Syrina(Tianan): scared of drawing, scared of imperfection. the worst earring. Laurence Gao: :warning: he/him Mass, drawing, digital art, painting, textile, makeups, shy person, Ryan Lee: Korean, born in US, Canada, digital media, low poly art, anime, Blue Berry Pizza. Minjin Batzorig: Virginia, subconsciously hid everything from you guys. Peiran Ge: put too much in details Leah Minsky: from Chicago, not in Pitts, oil painting, love texture (painting texture), love grouse texture Nandini: PA, in Singapore, color pencil, watercolor, digital Jaz Chung: Korea, sophomore, BHA, not confident in speaking English ZiXing(Helen) Yang: Shanghai China, BSA, handicraft, like to collect glass bottles,
crafts of making music, cooking, the bringing up of children.
craftsmanship as musician, act as "enduring, basic human impulse"
modern discourage craftsmanship, craftsmanship is about perfection (right material)
it used to be slow (doesn't fit in our fast-pace world) 18th century Enlightenment
"We should not compete against the machine" :book: i think there is still craftsmanship by using the machines (see Apple iPhone)
Industrial Revolution: division of labor hinders craftsmanship and thinking.
magic human moments no machines can replicate -> lost freedom -> fight modern society
Is BXA against craftsmanship.
Linux craftsmanship.
established the standard too high
ways of expression is as important as the idea
everybody can be trained
Phillip Colbert: different art styles
Maurizio Cattelan, controversial artwork
contrasting hard and soft
Zeng Fanzhi: expressionist, mask series, lived in China, born in MD.
Woman as an object when people can use the objects on the table to do anything to her without her moving
Digital contemporary artist (tree13 or narnu13)
Flavie Audi: glass artist that have scientific significance
Architecture, futuristic
Biology & Science and art
Dark Utopian Surrealism Buck: symbolism, death Makeups, use body as canvas
TODO: look at images, find out the purpose of an artwork, contrasting and comparing them (in syllabus, critique that Wednesday) TODO: do failure artwork, things out of the place
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