Lecture 001

Instructor: call Clayton or Mr.Merrell, Graduated assistance: Lena Chen: CA, Boston, in Pitts, performance, gender, intimacy

Angle Kim: water color, play games, west coast Evelyn Bang: acrylic paint, CSOL Catherine Ma: LA, acrylic, oil, allergic to cats Soomin Kong: CA bay area, pencil, nerds, drama production Emily Krueger: CA, San Diego, illustration art Seyoung Lee: CA, San Diego, baking during free time Shelly Zhang: Michigan, Pitts off-campus, be more confident, customize planner notebook James Ciriello: NJ, Pitts, oil paint, watercolor, hate acrylic, love exploring Vivian Young: 5min Stanford CA, in Chicago right now, oil painting, digital, computational, play switch Peggy Shen: CA San Diego, Pitts, Anabelle Kang: Miame, digital art, illustration, dungen of dragon Stacey Cho: move to NJ, mix-media, working mirror at school but COVID happened. Anna Moustakerski: NY, Jessie: ... Kelly Zheng: ...

Trans-disciplinary: multi-disciplinary Research: experimentation, trying, discover new ideas Studio: art, making Risk: trying other methods Agency: new environment, familiar environment Failure: learning to work with uncomfortable medium



TODO: read Art&Fear TODO: make a drawing before Wednesday with mouse atomizer (plastic straw, spray paint), black ink, role of paper (restricted to these materials, don't fix it up) due on Wednesday

TODO: look at the schedule more in detail TODO: get art tools shipped

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