The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
art transformed from uniqueness value to informatics value
film's ability to restrict audience make it more immersive
mass production of art opens a new social change
politicizing art was used in wars
started from cultivation
training people in a specific mode (cultivation of people)
historial materialism
contrasted with Providentialism(the end of history is heaven)
critique of Capitalism based on history
Marx draws history (contrast to new criticism, literary criticism -> pretend it doesn't account culture -> but failed)
Base: workers, materials, labors, means of production (we can't see, it affect superstructure)
Superstructure: culture, politics, relations, (we can see)
Reification: turning subjects into objects, turning abstract idea into physical thing
Value: functional value, exchange value (what you make should be equal to what you need to make it -> exchange value should be equal to functional value)
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