Instructor: Cosette Craig Syllabus: Here Lecture: Wednesdays, 6:30~7:30 PM EST (Here) (Zoom) Office Hours: Wednesdays 7:30-8:30 PM EST Recording: after 8:30 PM Matlab: Here Assignments: Here OH: Mondays 4:00-5:00pm EST Here
Week 1: MATLAB Basics Week 2: Matrix Operation and Linear Algebra Week 3: Program Flow Control I: if-else statements and switch cases Week 4: Program Flow Control II: for/while loops and fprintf function Week 5: Functions and the Function Handle Week 6: Interpolation and Curve Fitting Week 7: Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)
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Attendance Questions | 5% |
Homework (1/7 dropped) | 50% |
Quizzes (1/7 dropped) | 25% |
Final Exams | 20% |
Extra Credit | 5% |
Grade Scale: A (90-100) B (80-90) C (70-80) D (60-70) F (<60)
Lecture Attendance: 6:30 PM Wednesdays ~ 11:59 PM Thursday Homework: 7:30 PM EST Wednesdays ~ 11:59 PM Thursday Quiz(30min): Tuesday 6:30PM EST ~ Wednesday 6:30PM EST Extra Credit(5): 5*1%=5% submit ed at any point (workload equivalent to 1 homework) Resubmit: within 1 week -> 50% credit Late: 10% deduction/day, except quiz and final exam
Collaboration on:
Use of:
including quiz and exam, but no direct copy-paste
Table of Content