int* pointer = alloc(int*);
*pointer = 0;
pointer = alloc(int**);
*pointer = NULL;
*pointer = alloc(int**);
**pointer = 0;
// de-referencing *p //@requires p!=NULL; (you can only use NULL for pointers, not other data type)
alloc(p) //@ensures \result != NULL;
ptr->field //@requires ptr!=NULL; (checked by compiler)
Method: private Function: public
There is no method on c0 since it is not object oriented.
struct image_header {
int width; // field
int height; // field
pixel_t[] data; // field
}; // remember to put this
// alias `struct image_header` to `image`
typedef struct image_header image;
int main() {
// you have to use header* instead of header
// because otherwise header will be too big
// to store in local memory
struct image_header* IMG = alloc(struct image_header);
// using typedef
image* IMG = alloc(struct image_header);
//@assert IMG != NULL;
// putting into field
// IMG->width will be initialized to 0 initially.
IMG->width = 3;
// same as above, but meaningless in c0
(*IMG).height = 2;
// if data is not a valid field, compliller will give error
//IMG->data is a 0 length array initially
IMG->data = alloc_array(pixel_t, 2*3);
return 0;
// you can have a pointer to struct // but not the struct itself -> ssa_t is a pointer
struct ssa_header {
string[] data;
int length;
typedef struct ssa_header ssa;
int ssa_len(ssa_t A)
//@requires A != NULL;
//@ensures \result >= 0;
ssa_t ssa_new(int size)
//@requires 0 <= size;
//@ensures \result != NULL;
//@ensures ssa_len(\result) == size;
string ssa_get(ssa_t A, int i)
//@requires A != NULL;
//@requires 0 <= i && i < ssa_len(A);
void ssa_set(ssa_t A, int i, string x)
//@requires A != NULL;
//@requires 0 <= i && i < ssa_len(A);
typedef ssa* ssa_t;
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