Lecture 008

divide and conquer: divide in half, solve problem in small, put together big solution.

Merge Function

Fast Sorting Algorithms

Merge sort


Merge Sort cost

Merge Sort cost

Recursive Safety

Quick sort



Quick sort condition

Quick sort condition

Partition Complexity

Partition Complexity

Partition Complexity

Partition Complexity

How to pick pivot:

  1. pick A[lo]
  2. random pick A[i]
  3. pick 3 number and compare them

Stable Sorting

Best case complexity

Selection Sorting Merge Sort Quick Sort
Worst Case n^2 n log(n) n^2
Average Case n^2 n log(n) n log(n)
Best Case n^2 n log(n) n log(n)
In-Place Y N Y
Stable N Y Y

stable: whether sort among 2 dimension produce the same outcome

Searching and Sorting Complexity Chart

Searching and Sorting Complexity Chart

Math Graph

Math Graph

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