
Website: Here Term: Spring 2023 Course number: 60418 Classroom: CFA 303 Days / time: 07:00PM – 09:50PM Monday + Wednesday Professor: Paolo Pedercini – Must Contact Here Office: School of art 419A – 4th Floor Office hours: By appointment

First Last Pronounce Major From Do
Tony he Architecture Cn Exelent designer and game maker
Ziyu Li he Engineer CN no info
Ruixuan(Rashel) Li she Design(grad) CN did a good game and some exhibition
Hailey J she Art, Game KA some fine games and art
Scott he IS, Game, CS US who made rock game and good pixel art
Haishu(Kelly) Zhang she BCSA, animation
Magda she animation, business Hold exhibition for ordinary work
Ines Hsu she SP, TW good expeirmental artist who code
Asheley she Art, Animation, Game Georgia no info
Stacy she Game, HCI NJ boring person who touch ML, NFT projects
Shelley she Animation, Game good modeler
Pheht she Art good modeler
Jessy Chen she BHA, IS, Art, Game, Animation no info
Adrian he HCI, Game, ChainEchos many boring games
Ruifen(Jules) she Art, Animation no info
Serina she BHA, Film, Photography no info
Alex he BCSA, Music Canada, LA
Grace she Design MA, Boston good ui design

UnityHub Linux hack: by davidbgh

Managed a little workaround:

./UnityHubBeta.AppImage --appimage-extract

this will create a "squashfs-root" folder
from there, you can start the unityhub script with the redirect link as a parameter

./unityhub unityhub://login/?code=...

The "unityhub://..." part is attainable from the html page source code when the xdg-open fails after the first sign in attempt.

Edit: Debian 11

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