Image: a function f(x, y) to some value.
Above methods are point-processing method, no awareness of structure. What if I want to turn a white cat into a black cat?
Antialiasing methods:
add more pixels
get rid of high frequency (lossy compression)
Compared to Average Filter, Gaussian Filter get rid of more high frequency stuff
Convolution and Cross-Correlation are similar. Convolution flips the kernel by 180^\circ (or time-inverse if it is 1D) before performing the elementwise multiplication.
Convolution is commutative and associative.
Also, a gaussian kernel convolute with itself is another gaussian kernel but with sigma becomes \sigma \sqrt{2}
When applied pre-filtering to convolution layers in neural nets, the classification is more stable (smaller variance) against image translation. (ICML 2019 "Making Convolutional Networks Shift-Invariant Again")
For tasks like classification, you need diverse pre-processing artifact to make the classifier robust. However, for generative model, you need to avoid artifact to get the best quality of generated result.
Gaussian Pyamid: store different down-sampled version of the same image together.
Classification: cheaper to classify in low-resolution
Generation: cheaper to first generate coarse image
constant black: will result black border
wrap around: wrong color
copy edge: good, but can see line effects near edge
reflect across edge: most common choice
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