Fred Wilson
add Baltimore's slave past to Maryland Historical Society's display
"Mining the Museum"
past is ideologically charged cultural construct
encourage present-day subjects to delink from Western epistemes
Irene Winter: Foucauldian archeologist
African, Caribbean, American Indian descent
minimalism, institutional critique
trained: as sculptor and theatrical design
"American Exhibition": institution slavery
"No Noa Noa": history of Tahiti
south pacific isle
a French painter's face with same name
"Rooms With A View": highlight effect of museum wall color and arrangement.
Create "Museum" environment himself (p30)
"The Other Museum"
"Primitivism: High and Low"
My thoughts
"Primitivism": (p32)
"Friendly Natives": plastic skeleton. Named: "Someone's sister" People who are lost within the embrace of kinship structure. (not human remain for science)
colonial power
European museum as production of alterity (arrange "primitive" to "civilized")
"Whipping Post"
wood whipping post + chair already in meuseum
manipulate arrangement, not objects, to create new meanings
Museum "machine" are built to serve purpose
Black Nanny raising white children: this could have become a weapon.
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