Instructor: Jongwoo Kim ([email protected], Ph.D, Office at CFA 413) call Dr.Kim GA: Anisha Baid ([email protected]) Google Drive: Here for readings Zoom: Here or Here Schedule: Here
Oxford Art Online: Here or Here
Students must attend Paper Workshop 1 and 2, and consult Barnet’s A Short Guide to Writing About Art. They are also encouraged to see tutors at the University’s Global Communication Center (see below for details).
Facilitate Group Discussion in Presentation:
3~4 students, lead 15 or 20-minute-long class discussion with PowerPoint
prepare key questions, explain central idea, open up the conversation to have the whole class join in
must involve direct quotes from the assigned readings and in-depth analysis of those quotes
will impact grade
Practice before the presentation
Paper: Do not hang your perception of self-esteem in its words, phrases, and paraphgraphs, many of which may need to be deleted, edited, and revised.
Short Essay: 250-300 words, excluding endnotes
Research Papers:
Late papers: half letter grade penalty (no accept after 1 week)
Paper Format:
Word format (no PDF, please)
standard margin
font 12
must discuss a required number of specified images
must quote, paraphrase, and correctly cite a required number of sources
A = the work is above and beyond expectations, truly exceptional B = the work is about what I expected someone who had done all the work for the assignment in a thoughtful way might accomplish; a good job C = the work is the minimum to meet the requirements D = the work is seriously deficient in some way F = the work does not meet the requirements in any way
Group Discussion 10 % Zoom/Class Participation 10 % 1 Short Essay 10 % 2 Research Papers (30% and 40%) 70 %
The following conditions must be met for students to request a recommendation letter:
Group | Name | Id |
1 | Ashley Kim | ashleyk2 |
1 | Sooming Kong | soominko |
1 | Andy Kim | aykim2 |
1 | Angela Ren | aren2 |
2 | Haikey Jeong | hwayounj |
2 | Jihyun Chang | jihyunc |
2 | Peggy Shen | peggys |
2 | Ella Keegan | ekeegan |
3 | Hanke Chen | hankec |
3 | Janey Lee | hwajinl |
3 | Justin Villakon | jvillak |
3 | Sarah Cho | sucho |
4 | Rui Chang | ruichang |
4 | Jennifer Shin | minyouns |
4 | James Ciriello | jciriell |
4 | u.Tayao | atayao |
5 | Ruifen Jin | ruifenj |
5 | Heying Wang | heyingw |
5 | Minjing Batzorig | mbatzori |
[email protected], Rui Chang, [email protected], Sarah Cho, [email protected], James Ciriello, Ruifen Jin, Ella Keegan, [email protected], Ashley Kim, Soomin Kong, Hwajin Lee, Anna Moustakerski, Sion Park, Angela Ren, [email protected], Min Young Shin, [email protected], [email protected]
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