Lecture 013

sigma: some countable set of characters sigma-star: all finite length string using chars in sigma epsilon: empty string language: a subset of sigma-star

language theory

language theory

language theory

language theory


Chomsky hierarchy: a hierarchy of language regular language: described by regular expression regular automata: described by finite automata context-free language: described by context-free grammar context-sensitive language: described by context-sensitive grammar

Regular Expression



Wring Code for Parsing

(*accept: regexp -> string -> bool*)
fun accept r s = match r (String.explore s) (fn [] => true | _ => false_)

(*match: regexp -> char list -> (char list -> bool) -> bool
REQUIRES: k totak
ENSURES: match r cs k -> {
true if exists p, s, s.t. cs ~= p@s and p in L(r) and k(s) |-> true
false otherwise
fun match (Char a) [] k = false
  | match (Char a) (c::cs') = a = c andalso k cs'
  | match One cs k = k cs
  | match Zero cs k = false
  | match (Times (r1, r2)) cs k = match r1 cs (fn cs' => match r2 cs' k)
  | match (Plus (r1, r2)) cs k = match r1 cs k orelse match r2 cs k
  | match (Star r) cs k = k cs match r cs (fn cs' => not(cs=cs') andalso match (Star r) cs' k)

try aba in L((a+ab)(a+b))

Prove-oriented debugging

  1. termination: it returns a value for all value and total input
  2. prove correctness

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