Lecture 005

Rendering Equation



BRDF (Bidirectional reflectance distribution function)[4] is a simplified BSSRDF, assuming that light enters and leaves at the same point (see the image on the right).

BTDF (Bidirectional transmittance distribution function)[1] is similar to BRDF but for the opposite side of the surface. (see the top image).

BDF (Bidirectional distribution function) is collectively defined by BRDF and BTDF.

BSSRDF (Bidirectional scattering-surface reflectance distribution function or Bidirectional surface scattering RDF)[4][5] describes the relation between outgoing radiance and the incident flux, including the phenomena like subsurface scattering (SSS). The BSSRDF describes how light is transported between any two rays that hit a surface.

BSSTDF (Bidirectional scattering-surface transmittance distribution function) is like BTDF but with subsurface scattering.

BSSDF (Bidirectional scattering-surface distribution function) is collectively defined by BSSTDF and BSSRDF. Also known as BSDF (Bidirectional scattering distribution function).

A Taste of the Rendering Equation

A Taste of the Rendering Equation

Rendering Equation is talked about in Spherical Harmonic Lighting. I will not repeat it here. Please refer to that section. This ZhiHu Article also explains Rendering Equation.

Different Components in Rendering Equation

Different Components in Rendering Equation

Different Kinds of Light: surface light is especially hard to simulate

Different Kinds of Light: surface light is especially hard to simulate

Radiance: the light that is coming out from an object to the viewer. Irradiance (in-coming radiance): the light that is coming in from outside to an object

Simple light hacking: environment map + ambient light + directional/point/cone = result

Sometimes people use HDRI (High Dynamic Range Image) to refer to environment map. You should know that HDR is a standard of color display while environment map is a texture.

Non-Physics Based Rendering

Blinn Phong BRDF Model

Blinn Phong Shading

Blinn Phong Shading

Here is a interactive dive into Phong Shading. Essentially, Phone is a approximation of BRDF.

Phong BRDF: only klzzwxh:0013(constant ambient), klzzwxh:0014(how intense is the specular), and klzzwxh:0015(how sharp is the specular) parametrizes BRDF.

Phong BRDF: only k_d(constant ambient), k_s(how intense is the specular), and n_s(how sharp is the specular) parametrizes BRDF.

Result of Non-Energy Conservation in Blinn Phong

Result of Non-Energy Conservation in Blinn Phong

BRDF Properties:

Modified Phong BRDF To Satisfy Energy Conservation

Modified Phong BRDF To Satisfy Energy Conservation

Original vs Modified Phong BRDF

Original vs Modified Phong BRDF

Blinn Phong: introduce half-way vector. This way, if we swap klzzwxh:0020 and klzzwxh:0021 vector, klzzwxh:0022 vector is not affected. Calculating klzzwxh:0023 also can be faster than original Phong BRDF

Blinn Phong: introduce half-way vector. This way, if we swap v and l vector, h vector is not affected. Calculating h also can be faster than original Phong BRDF

Shadow Map

There exists many ways to calculate shadow, Shadow Map is one of the very basic method, but is proved to be good enough for game industry over many years.

Shadow Map

Shadow Map

Shadow Map is explained and implemented in my post Writing Minecraft Shader, so I will not repeat here.

Problems with Shadow Map

Problems with Shadow Map

The issue is sampling rate. Although we can do z-clipping, but with only shadow map, you will see the shadow between object is not perfectly aligned from the foot where the object and the ground meet. This effect is prevalent when the sun angle is large. The solution to this is to transition to another shadow algorithm during sunset.

Global Illumination


Direct Light vs Direct + Indirect = Global Illumination

Direct Light vs Direct + Indirect = Global Illumination

Instead of specifying the constant ambient, we could use a The global illumination can be pre-calculated. Specifically, we can use spherical harmonic coefficient to store pre-rendered radiant map therefore avoiding integration.

Lightmap is a texture (not model's texture, but the texture of assembled world) where each pixel correspond to irradiance (in spherical harmonics coefficient) of that pixel.

Spherical Harmonics S0 and S1 to approximate global irradiance. It only needs 4 parameter (multiplies 3 RGB color) because ambient light is usually low-frequency

Spherical Harmonics S0 and S1 to approximate global irradiance. It only needs 4 parameter (multiplies 3 RGB color) because ambient light is usually low-frequency

Because of separation of frequency, we can abuse compression methods for HDR color space output to store RGBA with 12 SH coefficients in 32 bits (the same space as one color RGBA8)



Lightmap: trade off between space and time

Light Probe

Since texture UV parameterization is hard, then we calculate irradiance of points floating in the air. To sample the irradiance of a point, we interpolate nearby probes for spherical harmonic coefficients.

Light Probe

Light Probe

Light Probe Volume

Light Probe Volume

Light probe interpolation using tetrahedral tessellations

Light probe interpolation using tetrahedral tessellations

For industry use, light probe can be generated based on geometry (which involves 3D manifold sampling).

Now, we can also do reflection probe, with lower sampling points but higher frequency.

In modern game engine, light probe can be generated realtime in dynamic scene. When there is scene or location change, we update light probe once every few seconds. Sometimes we can defer the update in frames that take less computation to reduce frame rate fluctuations.

Physics Based Rendering

In NPBR section above, we introduced Blinn Phong as one BRDF model. However, in PBR section, there are more realistic BRDF models.

Cook-Torrance BRDF

Microfacet Theory: the reason we see blurry or reflection is because our specified normal is only an average of many micro-normals.

Microfacet Theory

Microfacet Theory

Different types of Microfacet Theory

Different types of Microfacet Theory

In special case when the microfacet is discrete (ie. the surface of the manifold is not differentiable, but look more like piecewise function), it is discrete microfacet model. However, in this section, we focus on continuous case.

Discrete Stochastic Microfacet Models http://www.cs.cornell.edu/projects/stochastic-sg14/

Discrete Stochastic Microfacet Models http://www.cs.cornell.edu/projects/stochastic-sg14/

Cook-Torrance BRDF is one BRDF model that utilizes the Microfacet Theory.

\begin{align*} f_r &= k_d f_{Lambert} + f_{CookTorrance}\\ &= k_d \frac{c}{\pi} + \frac{D(h) F(w_i, h) G(w_i, w_o)}{4(w_o \cdot n)(w_i \cdot n)}\\ \end{align*}

In above equation - w_i denotes irradiance angle - w_o denotes radiance angle - n denotes surface macro-normal (specified by triangulated model) - h denotes surface micro-normal (specified by material)

Note that for metals, the electrons can catch light and therefore some frequency of the light can never get out. For non-metals, the light will bounce within molecules and finally get out.

Lambert Term

We first look at the term f_{Lambert} = \frac{c}{\pi}

Suppose the irradiance and BRDF are both uniform constant, we have the rendering equation as follow:

\begin{align*} L_o(w_o) &= \int_{H^2} f_r L_i(w_i) \cos \theta_i dw_i\\ &= L_i \int_{H^2} f_r \cos \theta_i dw_i \tag{since irradiance intensity $L_i$ does not depend on irradiance angle}\\ &= f_r L_i \int_{H^2} \cos \theta_i dw_i \tag{since we assume BRDF $f_r$ is uniform}\\ &= \pi f_r L_i \tag{So $L_o$ is infact a constant}\\ \end{align*}

Our goal is to find energy conservation such that L_o \leq L_i, therefore we have to set f_r \leq \frac{1}{\pi}. In this case, we make energy absorption into a variable, we have

f_{Lambert} = \frac{c}{\pi}

Above Lambert term characterizes diffuse, other terms characterize specular.

Normal Distribution Function (D)

It is the distribution of the micro-normal vector at a single point.

We usually use GGX Distribution as Normal Distribution Function.

Microfacet Distribution: is more long-tail than Phong and other models

Microfacet Distribution: is more long-tail than Phong and other models

// roughness is the variability of the distribution
float D_GGX(float NoH, float roughness) {
  float a2 = roughness * roughness;
  float f = (NoH * NoH) * (a2 - 1.0) + 1.0;
  return a2 / (PI * f * f);

// TODO: more

Geometry Attenuation Function (G)

Captures how much of outgoing light is blocked by microfacets.

float GGX(float NdotV, float k) {
  return NdotV / (NdotV * (1.0 - k) + k);

float G_Smith(float NdotV, float NdotL, float roughness) {
  float k = pow(roughness + 1.0, 2.0) / 8.0;
  return GGX(NdotL, k) * GGX(NdotV, k);

// TODO: more

Fresnel Equation (F)

Captures reflectivity by viewing angle.

float F_Schlick(float VoH, float f0) {
  float f = pow(1.0 - VoH, 5.0); // where 5.0 comes out from prove
  return f0 + (1.0 - f0) * f;

// TODO: more

MERL BRDF database: a project of characterize all physical material's BRDF parameter

MERL BRDF database: a project of characterize all physical material's BRDF parameter

PBR Specular Glossiness Model

PBR Specular Glossiness Model

PBR Specular Glossiness Model

We capture diffuse, specular, glossiness each using a texture map.

// TODO: code and theory for Specular Glossiness

One problem with Specular Glossiness Model is that the stupid artists can't set the Fresnel term correctly. To solve this issue, we wrap another layer to restrict value of Fresnel, and call that model Metallic Roughness Model

struct MetallicRoughness {
  float3 base_color;
  float3 normal;
  float roughness;
  float metallic;

When metallic is low (therefore non-metal), the specular doesn't contain color of base_color. When metallic is high, base_color will be used to calculate Fresnel. Because of this, we eliminated storing RGB for specular, replaced that with only A channel for metallic, reducing memory usage.

SpecularGlossiness ConvertMetallicRoughnessToSpecularGlossiness(MetallicRoughness metallic_roughness) {
  float3 base_color = metallic_roughness.base_color;
  float roughness = metallic_roughness.roughness;
  float metallic = metallic_roughness.metallic;

  float3 dielectricSpecularColor = float3(0.08f * dielectricSpecular);
  float3 specular = lerp(dielectricSpecularColor, base_color, metallic);
  float3 diffuse = base_color - base_color * metallic;

  SpecularGlossiness specular_glossiness;
  specular_glossiness.specular = specular;
  specular_glossiness.diffuse = diffuse;
  specular_glossiness.glossiness = 1.0f - roughness;

  return specular_glossiness;



One artifact created by Metallic Roughness model is a undesirable white edge at the transition between metallic and non-metallic area, especially at lower resolution.

Metallic Roughness vs Specular Glossiness

Metallic Roughness vs Specular Glossiness

Image-based Lighting



non-IBR vs. IBR

non-IBR vs. IBR

Cascade Shadow


Cascade Shadow

Cascade Shadow

Idea: since we the sampling rate is lower for far away object in our screen, we adjust the sampling rate of shadow map to match our viewing sampling rate.


Soft Shadow (PCF, PCSS)

There are problems can be solved with soft shadow

Percentage Closer Filter (PCF)

Instead of taking the indicator variable of whether a pixel is in the shadow literally, we do an average so that result is continuous within [0, 1].

Percentage Closer Filter (PCF)

Percentage Closer Filter (PCF)

PCF is a technique to take some average of shadow map.

Percentage Closer Filter (PCF)

// TODO For the same object, we want the shadow that is far away from the object looks more blurry than shadow closer to the object, PCSS method is proposed to solve this by directly compute the averaging size of shadow map.

Percentage Closer Soft Shadow (PCSS): Penumbra Size Estimation Step - The following diagram illustrates the geometry for estimating the penumbra size, assuming that the blocker, receiver, and light source are parallel.  This assumption works very well in practice and could be relaxed as an improvement.

Percentage Closer Soft Shadow (PCSS): Penumbra Size Estimation Step - The following diagram illustrates the geometry for estimating the penumbra size, assuming that the blocker, receiver, and light source are parallel. This assumption works very well in practice and could be relaxed as an improvement.

Variance Soft Shadow Map (VSSM)

// TODO Averaging is computationally expensive, we can use VSSM to reduce such computation.


Summary of AAA Rendering

The above material is widely used in AAA games around 2010 to 2015. However, as Graphics Cards now support Ray-Tracing, we will likely to see light map and light probe be deprecated. The problem with global illumination will likely be solved. For example, techniques like A Practical Guide to Global Illumination using Photon Maps or Global Illumination using Photon Maps can be used.


Ray-tracing Logic on GPU

Ray-tracing Logic on GPU

Different Method on Calculating Realtime Global Illumination

Different Method on Calculating Realtime Global Illumination

We will talk about lumen GI that consists of 4 different algorithms.

More Complex Material Model

More Complex Material Model

Virtual Shadow Maps: we hash calculated shadow map into a virtual shadow map. If hash result generate cache miss, we re-calculate shadow map and cache it into hash. Otherwise we can just re-use the shadow map we stored.

Different Shader Platform only Support their own language. Cross-platform compilation is a problem.

Different Shader Platform only Support their own language. Cross-platform compilation is a problem.

Shader Management:

Cloud Rendering: Many calculation isn't view-dependent. Therefore cloud computing can be very cheap as it is amortized to the number of users in the same scene.

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