
Layers of Game Engine

Resources Layer

Offline Resource Importing

Offline Resource Importing

Offline Resource Importing

Runtime Asset Manager

Runtime Asset Manager

Runtime Asset Manager: a in-memory system to reference assets

Assets Types:

Function Layer

Ticks: plank time

Separation of Logic and Rendering

Separation of Logic and Rendering

Note that what belongs in function layer is still in debate. Some game-specific logic might also be in function layer.



Core Layer

Math Library:

1. Many Use of Dirty Approximation and Magic Number 2. SIMD

1. Many Use of Dirty Approximation and Magic Number 2. SIMD

Data Structure:

Often, the standard implementation of data structure is not enough. Game engine needs to have its own specific data structure for better performance on specific task.

Memory Management:

Platform Layer

Virtualize Platforms

Tool Layer

Graphical Interface and Editors

Asset Conditioning Pipeline (Import / Export Freely)

Asset Conditioning Pipeline (Import / Export Freely)

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