A4T2 Skeleton Kinematics

A Skeleton (declared in src/scene/skeleton.h, defined in src/scene/skeleton.cpp) is what we use to drive our animation. You can think of them like the set of bones we have in our own bodies and joints that connect these bones. For convenience, we have merged the bones and joints into the Bone class which holds the orientation of the bone relative to its parent as Euler angles (Bone::pose), and an extent that specifies where its child bones start. Each Skinned_Mesh has an associated Skeleton class which holds a rooted tree of Boness, where each Bone can have an arbitrary number of children.

When discussing skeletal animation we have a whole family of different transformations and spaces to consider:

NOTE: I mention world space above because it is one of the coordinate systems in Scotty3D. But for all of the implementation details of this assignment, you'll be working in local space and/or the bone spaces. Indeed, it is not possible from within Skeleton to determine L, since Skeletons don't know what instance they are being accessed through.

A4T2a Forward Kinematics


In the first half of this task, you will implement Skeleton::bind_pose and Skeleton::current_pose, which compute all the bind-to-local and pose-to-local transformations B_j and P_j, respectively. It makes sense to compute these transformations in bulk because they are defined recursively in terms of a bone-to-parent transformation.

The transform between every bone's local space its parent is a rotation around a local x, y, and z rotation axis (in that order) followed by a translation by the parent's extent.

In other words, given bone b with rotation axis directions x_b, y_b, and z_b; local rotation amounts rx_b, ry_b, and rz_b; and parent bone p with extent e_p, the transform that takes points in the local space of b to the local space of p is the matrix:

X_{p \gets b} \equiv T_{p_e} R_{rz_b @ z_b} R_{ry_b @ y_b} R_{rx_b @ x_b}

Where T_{p_e} is a translation by p_e and R_{ra @ a} rotates by angle ra around axis a.

Bones without a parent are translated by the skeleton's base point, r, and current base offset, o: X_{\emptyset \gets b} \equiv T_{r+o}

The overall transform from each bone to local space can be computed recursively: X_{\emptyset \gets b} \equiv X_{\emptyset \gets p} X_{p \gets b}

In the bind pose the bones are not posed or offset, so we have:

for bone b with parent p, \hat{X}\_{p \gets b} \equiv T\_{p\_e}

for bone b without parent, \hat{X}\_{\emptyset \gets b} \equiv T\_{r}

and, recursively, \hat{X}\_{\emptyset \gets b} \equiv \hat{X}\_{\emptyset \gets p} \hat{X}\_{p \gets b}

Implementation notes: - The list of bones in the skeleton is guaranteed to be sorted such that bones' parents appear first, so your code should be able to work in a single pass through the bones array. - The functions Mat4::angle_axis and Mat4::translate will be helpful.

Aside: Local Axes

Why do we bother specifying x_b, y_b, z_b? Having a good choice of local axis is important when rigging characters for effective posing. If a joint has one primary axis of rotation, you'd prefer to have that axis aligned with (say) rx_b so you need only adjust one variable when animating. This is especially important with mechanical assemblies, where you may well want a joint to represent a 1-DOF hinge, which is hard if the hinge is not parallel to some local axis of rotation!

The local rotation axes for a bone in Scotty3D are defined as follows (already implemented for you in the Bone::compute_rotation_axes function).

The y_b axis is aligned with the bone's extent: y_b \equiv \mathrm{normalize}(e_b) (In case the bone's extent is zero, y_b is set to (0,1,0).)

To define x_b we start with \hat{x}, the axis perpendicular to y_b and aligned with the skeleton's x axis: \hat{x} \equiv \mathrm{normalize}((1,0,0) - ((1,0,0) \cdot y_b) y_b) (In case y_b is parallel to the x axis, \hat{x} is set to (0,0,1).)

The x_b axis is \hat{x} rotated by \theta_b \equiv bone.roll around y_b: x_b \equiv \cos(\theta_b) \hat{x} - \sin(\theta_b) (\hat{x} \times y_b)

And, finally, the z_b axis is set perpendicular to x_b and y_b to form a right-handed coordinate system: z_b \equiv x_b \times y_b

A picture of what's going on

Note: These diagrams are in 2D for visual clarity, but we will work with a 3D kinematic skeleton.

Just like a Scene::Transform, the pose (and extent) of a Bone transform all of its children. In the diagram below, c_0 is the parent of c_1 and c_1 is the parent of c_2. When a translation of x_0 and rotation of \theta_0 is applied to c_0, all of the descendants are affected by this transformation as well. Then, c_1 is rotated by \theta_1 which affects itself and c_2. Finally, when rotation of \theta_2 is applied to c_2, it only affects itself because it has no children.

Once you have implemented these basic kinematics, you should be able to define skeletons, set their positions at a collection of keyframes, and watch the skeleton smoothly interpolate the motion (see the user guide for an explanation of the interface and some demo videos).

Note that the skeleton does not yet influence the geometry of meshes in the scene -- that will come in Task 3!

A4T2b Inverse Kinematics


Now that we have a logical way to move joints around, we can implement Inverse Kinematics (IK), which will move the joints around in order to reach a target point. There are a few different ways we can do this, but for this assignment we'll implement an iterative method called gradient descent in order to find the minimum of a function. For a function f : \mathbb{R}^n \to \mathbb{R}, we'll have the update scheme:

q \gets q - \tau \nabla f

Where \tau is a small timestep and q holds all the Bone::pose qordinates. Specifically, we'll be using gradient descent to find the minimum of a cost function which measures the total squared distance between a set of IK handles positions h and their associated bones b:

f(q) = \sum_{(h,i)} \frac{1}{2}|p_i(q) - h|^2

Where p\_i(q) = I_{3\times 4} X\_{\emptyset \gets i } [ e_i ~ 1 ]^T is the end position of bone i. (Here I_{3\times 4} is a 3-row, 4-column matrix with ones on the diagonal to strip the homogenous coordinate, leaving just the position component. This is okay to do as long as X is made up of well-behaved translations and rotations that don't (say) scale the homogenous coordinate.)

Implementation Notes:

Computing \nabla f

The gradient of f (i.e., \nabla f) is the vector consisting of the partial derivatives of f with respect to every element of q. So let's look at one example: let's take the partial derivative with respect to ry_b -- the rotation around the local y_b axis of bone b.

First, we expand the definition of f: $$\frac{\partial}{\partial ry_b} f = \sum_{(h,i)} \frac{\partial}{\partial ry_b} \frac{1}{2}|p_i(\mathbf{\theta}) - h|^2 $$

In other words, we can compute the partial derivatives for each IK handle individually and sum them. Any IK handle where b isn't in the kinematic chain will contribute nothing to the partial derivative, so let's look at a handle whose bone is a descendant of b, and apply the chain rule:

\frac{\partial}{\partial ry_b} \frac{1}{2}|p_i(q) - h|^2 = (p_i(q) - h) \cdot \frac{\partial}{\partial ry_b} p_i(q)

Then expand the definition of p_i: $$= (p_i(q) - h) \cdot \frac{\partial}{\partial ry_b} X_{\emptyset \gets i} [ e_i ~ 1 ]^T $$ $$= (p_i(q) - h) \cdot \frac{\partial}{\partial ry_b} X_{\emptyset \gets \ldots \gets c} X_{c \gets b} X_{b \gets \ldots \gets i} [ e_i ~ 1 ]^T $$

= (p_i(q) - h) \cdot ( \underbrace{X_{\emptyset \gets \ldots \gets c} T_{c_e} R_{rz_b @ z_b}}\_{\textrm{linear xform}} \underbrace{\frac{\partial}{\partial ry_b} R_{ry_b @ y_b}}\_{\textrm{rotation}} \underbrace{R\_{rx\_b @ x\_b} X\_{b \gets \ldots \gets i} [ e\_i ~ 1 ]^T}\_{\textrm{some point}} )

In other words, your code needs only to find partial derivative of a rotation relative to its angle, and project this partial derivative to skeleton-local space.

Here's a useful bit of geometric reasoning: if you transform the axis of rotation and the base point of the bone into skeleton local space, then you can use the fact that the derivative (w.r.t. \theta) of the rotation by \theta around axis x and center r of point p is a vector perpendicular x with length |r-p|:

\frac{\partial}{\partial \theta} R_{\theta @ x} (p - r) + r = x \times (p - r)

For a more in-depth derivation of the process of computing this derivative (and a look into other inverse kinematics algorithms), please check out this presentation. (Pages 45-56 in particular)

Using your IK!

Once you have IK implemented, you should be able to create a series of joints, and get a particular joint to move to the desired final position you have selected.

Please refer to the User Guide for more examples

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