
Mesh Validity

  1. pointers are to elements in the vertices, edges, faces, or halfedges lists.
  2. for every edge e, e->halfedge(->twin)^n is a cycle of exactly two halfedges, and these are exactly the halfedges with h->edge equal to e.
  3. for every face f, f->halfedge(->next)^n is a cycle of at least three halfedges, and these are exactly the halfedges with h->face equal to f.
  4. for every vertex v, v->halfedge(->twin->next)^n is a cycle of at least two halfedges, and these are exactly the halfedges with h->vertex equal to v.
  5. vertices are adjacent to at least one non-boundary face and at most one boundary face.
  6. edges are adjacent to at least one non-boundary face.
  7. faces touch each vertex and edge at most once.


Transformation of Homogeneous Coordinates in Matrix Form in 3D

Transformation of Homogeneous Coordinates in Matrix Form in 3D


int32_t orientation(Vec2 p, Vec2 q, Vec2 v) {
  float o = (p.y - q.y) * (q.x - v.x) - (q.y - v.y) * (p.x - q.x);
  if (o > 0.f) { return 1;
  } else if (o < 0.f) { return -1;
  } else { return 0; }
bool biased_in_between(Vec2 p, Vec2 q, Vec2 v, bool q_inline, bool p_inline) {
  float pvN = (v - p).norm_squared();
  float vqN = (q - v).norm_squared();
  float pqN = (q - p).norm_squared();
  if (p_inline && q_inline) { return pqN >= pvN && pqN >= vqN;
  } else if (p_inline && !q_inline) { return pqN >= pvN && pqN > vqN;
  } else if (!p_inline && q_inline) { return pqN > pvN && pqN >= vqN;
  } else { eturn pqN > pvN && pqN > vqN; }
bool line_intersection(Vec2 va, Vec2 vb, Vec2 ua, Vec2 ub) {
  int32_t o1 = orientation(va, vb, ua);
  int32_t o2 = orientation(va, vb, ub);
  int32_t o3 = orientation(ua, ub, va);
  int32_t o4 = orientation(ua, ub, vb);
  if (o1 != o2 && o3 != o4) return true;
  // colinear cases
  if (o1 == 0 && biased_in_between(va, vb, ua, true, true)) return true;
  if (o2 == 0 && biased_in_between(va, vb, ub, true, true)) return true;
  if (o3 == 0 && biased_in_between(ua, ub, va, true, true)) return true;
  if (o4 == 0 && biased_in_between(ua, ub, vb, true, true)) return true;
  return false;
float triangle_screen_times_two(Vec2 va, Vec2 vb, Vec2 vc) {
  Vec2 edge1 = vb - va;
  Vec2 edge2 = vc - va;
  return cross(Vec3(edge1, 0.0f), Vec3(edge2, 0.0f)).norm();

Vec3 barycentric_coordinate(Vec2 x, Vec2 va, Vec2 vb, Vec2 vc) {
  float nominator_a = triangle_screen_times_two(x, vb, vc);
  float nominator_b = triangle_screen_times_two(va, x, vc);
  float nominator_c = triangle_screen_times_two(va, vb, x);
  return Vec3(nominator_a, nominator_b, nominator_c) /
         triangle_screen_times_two(va, vb, vc);

float barycentric_interpolate_2D(Vec3 barycentric, float va, float vb,
                                 float vc) {
  return dot(Vec3(va, vb, vc), barycentric);

float z =
    1.0f / barycentric_interpolate_2D(barycentric, a.inv_w, b.inv_w, c.inv_w);

frag.attributes[i] =
    z * barycentric_interpolate_2D(barycentric, a.attributes[i] * a.inv_w,
                                    b.attributes[i] * b.inv_w,
                                    c.attributes[i] * c.inv_w);

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