Lecture: Tuesday and Thursday, 1:25-2:45pm, BH A51 Website: Here Instructor: Jim McCann Calendar: Here Gradescope: Here Autolab: Here Discord: Here OHQueue: Here
Monday: 4-6 pm EST - Daniel & Nathan (might change)
Thursday: 4-6 pm EST - Mia & Junyi (might change)
Friday: 5-7 pm EST - Alan & Eve (might change)
Location: Graphics Lounge (Smith Hall 2nd Floor, Go to Smith Hall, go up the stairs and turn immediately right. You’ll see a big table and a few couches.)
Videos by Brian Will is very helpful I thought
Programming: 70%
Midterm/Final: 20%
Webpage Question/Comment Participation and In-class exercises: 10%
Programming Assignments: 70% of grade
Midterm / Final: 20%, a midterm and a final
Class Participation: 10%, ask two questions/comment on each set of lecture slides, via the 462 webpage, participating in in-class exercises (short questions).
Late Policy
Due: 11:59:59pm Eastern time on the due date
Late Days: six late-day points for the semester (for A1~A4 programming), maximum one late day for each checkpoint
After Late Days: 10% cost per day (no late days after 3 days)
Collaboration: general idea only
Extra Textbook:
Scratch a Pixel: A Very Good Tutorial on Introductory and Advanced Topic in Computer Graphics
Matt Pharr and Greg Humphreys Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation
Table of Content