
Quantum Gates

Any truth table can be built by circuit

Any circuit can be converted to reversible manner, except for creating zero-ed input.

Theorem: \forall F: \{0, 1\}^n \to \{0, 1\}^m if it is computable with G classical gates, then you can convert to reversible quantum gates with n+m+G qubits and G+n gates, assuming all extra G bits are initialized to 0, left in a garbage state.

Minus Sign

H, NOT, H: turn 0^\circ into 0^\circ, turn 90^\circ into -90^\circ.

NOT, H, NOT, H, NOT: turn 0^\circ into 180^\circ, turn 90^\circ into 90^\circ.


def swap(A, B)
  CNOT A B // B = A + B
  CNOT B A // A = 2A + B = B
  CNOT A B // B = 3A + 2B = A
def If_(A)_then_Minus(A):
  H on A
  Add 1 to A
  H on A
@require |A> = 1|0>
def If f() then Minus(A):
  Add 1 to A    // 90 degree
  H on A        // -45 degree (now is parallel to NOT gate, if apply NOT now, we can't tell whether we have applied NOT)
  Add f() to A  // -45 degree or 90+45 degree
  H on A        // 90 degree or -90 degree
  Add 1 to A    // 0 degree or 180 degree

// TODO: how about don't require?

def reflection_accross_mean():
  Had X1, X2, ..., Xn
  If OR(X1, X2, ..., Xn) then Minus
  Had X1, X2, ..., Xn
@require x1, x2, ... = 0
def solve_sat(f):
  // prepare uniform superposition
  Had x1, x2, ...

  // repeat following two steps
  If f() then Minus // reflection accross 0

For n variables with T, we need O(T) instructions for if f() then minus and O(n) instructions for reflection accross mean. If we repeat k times, then it is O(knT)

For small enough k \leq 0.01\sqrt{2^n}, amplitude of x^* is about 2k + 1. Which is about \frac{1}{2500} probability.

To get Pr\{\text{print out } x^*\} \simeq 100\%, we need:

k = \sqrt{N} \cdot \frac{\pi}{4} = \sqrt{2^n} \cdot \frac{\pi}{4}

Linear Algebra

|+\rangle = \begin{bmatrix} +\sqrt{1/2}\\ +\sqrt{1/2}\\ \end{bmatrix}, -|+\rangle = \begin{bmatrix} -\sqrt{1/2}\\ -\sqrt{1/2}\\ \end{bmatrix}, |-\rangle = \begin{bmatrix} +\sqrt{1/2}\\ -\sqrt{1/2}\\ \end{bmatrix}, -|-\rangle = \begin{bmatrix} -\sqrt{1/2}\\ +\sqrt{1/2}\\ \end{bmatrix},

NOT: reflection accross \pi/4

HAD: reflection accross \pi/8

\langle f | v \rangle^\dagger = |v\rangle^\dagger \cdot \langle f|^\dagger = \langle v | f \rangle

Printing (in standard basis |0\rangle, |1\rangle) qubit in state |v\rangle will output "0" with probability |\langle 0 | v \rangle |^2 and "1" with probability |\langle 1 | v \rangle |^2

If we only care about the probability of printing "0" after some transformation T, we can do the following:

  1. apply T^\dagger with |0\rangle: |t\rangle = T^\dagger|0\rangle
  2. apply T^\dagger|0\rangle to the state we care about: \langle t | v \rangle = |t\rangle^\dagger |v\rangle = (T^\dagger|0\rangle)^\dagger |v\rangle = \langle 0 | T |v \rangle

If a state |v\rangle is \theta_i angle with respect to its basis |\vec{i}\rangle, then:


If you want turn the amplitude by \delta degree with n filters, the intensity of light getting through is:

\prod_{i=1}^{n}\left(\left(\cos\theta\right)\cos\left(\theta+\frac{\delta}{n}\right)+\left(\sin\theta\right)\sin\left(\theta+\frac{\delta}{n}\right)\right)^{2} = \left(\cos\frac{\delta}{n}\right)^{2n}

We choose to evenly distribute the angles because the function \cos and \sin is about linear near small angle. If the difference of angle is too big, the error will accumulate, meaning more intensity of light will be lost.


Geometry of Grover's Algorithm: klzzwxh:0038 is reflection accross the mean and klzzwxh:0039 is if...then...minus.

Geometry of Grover's Algorithm: V is reflection accross the mean and W is if...then...minus.

If you want to do k rotations instead of 1, you will rotate by about 2k\sqrt{\frac{m}{N}}. Therefore, if you want to rotate \frac{\pi}{2}, you need k = \frac{\pi}{4}\sqrt{\frac{N}{m}} \in O(\frac{1}{\sqrt{p}})

Elitzur-Vaidman Bomb Problem

Bomb Nothing
Send 0 No Info No Info
Send 1 Explode No Bomb

Solution: send |Rot_\frac{\pi}{n}\rangle \frac{n}{2} many loops, measure once.

Adding and Deleting Qubits

\begin{align*} &(r|0\rangle + s|1\rangle) \otimes (x|0\rangle + y|1\rangle)\\ =&r|0\rangle \otimes (x|0\rangle + y|1\rangle) + s|1\rangle \otimes (x|0\rangle + y|1\rangle)\\ =&|0\rangle \otimes (rx|0\rangle + ry|1\rangle) + |1\rangle \otimes (sx|0\rangle + sy|1\rangle)\\ =& rx|00\rangle + ry|01\rangle + sx|10\rangle + sy|11\rangle\\ \end{align*}
(F \otimes G)(|u\rangle \otimes |w\rangle) = F|u\rangle \otimes G|w\rangle


\begin{align*} &\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}}(|00\rangle + |11\rangle) \tag{original MEP}\\ \to&\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}}(|0\rangle \otimes |0\rangle + |1\rangle \otimes |1\rangle) \tag{separate}\\ \to&\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}}(|0\rangle \otimes Rot_{\theta}|0\rangle + |1\rangle \otimes Rot_{\theta}|1\rangle) \tag{sender rotate his qubit}\\ \end{align*}
  1. If we now let the receiver measure the qubit, the receiver would not be able to know which angle we have sent \theta or \theta + 90^\circ, which loses all meanings.
  2. So we have to measure first and give instruction to receiver on how to interpret the result, since the outcome of our measurement (hence the state it actually collapse to) is random.
  3. With Pr\{A = 0\} = \frac{1}{2} state collapse to |0\rangle \otimes Rot_\theta|0\rangle. With Pr\{A = 1\} = \frac{1}{2} state collapse to |1\rangle \otimes Rot_\theta|1\rangle
  4. So we send 1 bit information to receiver let him know which one is intended.


def MeasureRotationOperationAgainst(Rot_theta, makeStart, d):
  # for each significant digits
  for i = 1, 2, 3, ..., d:
    |start> = makeStart()

    # measure log(d) times (to yield high probability)
    for m = 1, 2, 3, ... log(d):

      # rotate |start> 10^i times
      for j = 1, 2, 3, ..., 10^i:
        Rot_theta |start>

      Measure |start>

    # make one prediction
    cos^2(10^i * theta) = fraction of measurements that are 0
  return theta
\sum_{i = 1}^d O(\log d) \cdot O(10^{i - 1}) = O(\log d) \cdot O(10^{d - 1})

Hadamard Test

def measureAgainstMysteryStart(U, |start>)
  Make T
  H on T
  If T then U on |start>
  H on T
  Measure T
  return |start> # that is rotated
U|\text{start}\rangle = U\begin{bmatrix} a\\ b\\ c\\ d\\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} e\\ f\\ g\\ h\\ \end{bmatrix}
Pr\{T=0\} = \left(\frac{a+e}{2}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{b+f}{2}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{c+g}{2}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{d+h}{2}\right)^2 = \langle\text{avg}|\text{avg}\rangle = \left(\cos\frac{\theta}{2}\right)^2\\ \text{and state rotate to }\frac{|\text{avg}\rangle}{\cos(\theta/2)}\\ Pr\{T=1\} = \left(\frac{a-e}{2}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{b-f}{2}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{c-g}{2}\right)^2 + \left(\frac{d-h}{2}\right)^2 = \langle\text{disp}|\text{disp}\rangle = \left(\sin\frac{\theta}{2}\right)^2\\ \text{and state rotate to }\frac{|\text{disp}\rangle}{\sin(\theta/2)}\\

O(nd\log d + d) if we can efficiently power matrix, O(10^d\log d + d) otherwise.

Revolver Resolver and Factoring

Using \gcd(42, 30) = 6

\begin{align*} 42 = 1 \times 30 + 12\\ 30 = 2 \times 12 + 6\\ 12 = 2 \times 6 + 0\\ \end{align*}
\begin{align*} 6 = 30 - (2 \times 12)\\ 6 = 30 - (2 \times (42 - 1 \times 30))\\ 6 = 30 - (2 \times 42 - 2 \times 30)\\ 6 = -2 \times 42 + 3 \times 30\\ \end{align*}
def gcd(x, y):
        x, y = y, x % y
    return abs(x)

# This simulates finding the length of cycle of
# U(x) = M * x mod F
def findL(F, M):
    i = None
    count = 0
    while(i != 1):
        if i == None:
            i = 1
        i = (M * i) % F
        count = count + 1
    return count
F = (* the thing we factor *)
M = 42 (* pick a M *)

fract = Rationalize[]; (* fraction of 2pi *)
L = Denominator[fract] (* get L from quantum *)
Solution1 =
 If[GCD[M, F] == 0, M, "no easy solution"]
W = ModularInverse[M, F]
Bad1 = If[Mod[L, 2] == 0, "good", "bad M"]
S = PowerMod[M, L/2, F]
Bad2 = If[S == F - 1, "bad M", "good"]
P = GCD[S - 1, F]
Q = GCD[S + 1, F]

Complexity Classes

Complexity Classes:

Time Travel

def SAT(b_0 qubit, C circuit):
  Flip n^2 coins
  if all head:
    b_1 = 0
    pick y in {0, 1}^n at random
    if C(y):
      b_1 = 1
      b_1 = b_0

The steady state for satisfiable:

\begin{cases} 1 & \text{w.p. } \simeq 1-2^{-n^2}\\ 0 & \text{w.p. } \simeq 2^{-n^2}\\ \end{cases}

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