// QUESTION: what is unknown 2d plane?
Although Q.P.E. is about complex unitrary eigenvectors and values. This is not what we study today.
In Grover, we can:
make |start\rangle \in \mathbb{R}^N (by making |111\rangle)
make mystery quantum operation U (that's a "combo")
\theta-estimation algorithm measures angles between |start\rangle and U^k|start\rangle for various k, it does not require us to know the 2-d plane. // QUESTION: what?// But we need to be able to measure in a basis containing |start\rangle
Given an unknown |start\rangle, how to you use it to do measurement against |start\rangle multiple times?
def measureAgainstMysteryStart(U, |Start>)
Make T
H on T
If T then U on |Start>
H on T
Measure T
return |Start>
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