Professor: Ryan O’Donnell [email protected]
(OH: 1pm–2pm, Gates 7213)
Dropbox: Here
Piazza: Here
Lecture Note: Here
Typeset Lecture Note: Here
Yan Pan: [email protected]
(Wednesday, 3:30-4:30 Gates 7101 or Gates 8115)
Kevin Pratt: [email protected]
(Monday, 3:30-4:30 Gates 7101)
Monday: homework graded
Tuesday: lecture
Wednesday: TA OH?
Thursday: lecture, quiz release and due
Friday: Homework due by 6pm. O’Donnell office hour. Check-in opportunity or send video by 6:30pm.
Saturday: homework out, if no test
In class tests:
Tuesday Sep. 27
Thursday Oct. 27
Tuesday Nov 22
Roughly Graded as:
Quiz: 20%
Tests: 32%
Exams: 30%
Homework (9) or Average Test: 18%
The way to look at it is that if you don’t submit a particular problem, you are deciding to take your average test score for that problem.
Amount: 9 total, on weeks of no tests
Types: contain "problems" (graded) and "exercises" (ungraded, but feedback)
Late: no late
Feedback: solution in 3 days after due
\LaTeX preferred
Collaboration: You can work on the homework with other students. You cannot share written material, and all writeups should be your own.
You don’t have to turn in any homework at all, but if you do, it can’t hurt your grade, and it will make the tests worth less
on Gradescope
Release: Thursday after class, due 11:59pm
Open book, but don't talk to other people
not timed (take you at most half an hour)
Check in: either send a video or go to professor's OH
Attend my office hour on Friday, and talk with me for at least 45 seconds. To be guaranteed credit for the check-in, I must say your name out loud at least once.
Or: before 6:30pm on Friday, send Prof. O’Donnell a video of length between 30 and 60 seconds. Prof. O’Donnell will send you back a video response (usually 10–30 seconds). Submitted in dropbox.
The syllabus and course logistics.
Links to some lecture/recitation videos and notes from a previous iteration of the course.
Homework problems, and other practice material.
Course calendar.
Discussion boards.
Anything about the homework problems, the quizzes, anything on your mind about quantum computation, how things are going for you in the course, feedback on the pace/difficulty level
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