
This repository contains the starter code for project 3 (15-440, Fall 2022). It also contains the tests that we will use to grade your implementation, the CMUD game (app folder), and two simple kvserver/kvclient runners (srunner and crunner) that you might find useful for your own testing purposes.

Starter Code

The starter code for this project is organized as follows:

  actor/                Actor system, TODO: you implement mailbox.go and remote_tell.go!
  app/                  CMUD client, a game which you can play to test your implementation!
  crunner/              Simple kvclient runner program
  example/              "Counter actor" example using the actor package
  kvclient/             Key-value store client library, TODO: you implement this!
  kvcommon/             Shared internals (RPC types) for kvclient and kvserver
  kvserver/             Key-value store server, TODO: you implement this!
  srunner/              Simple kvserver runner program
  staff/                Utilities used to control network conditions during tests
  tests/                Tests (go tests and shell scripts)

Besides filling in the TODO files, you may add additional files and packages as you see fit, so long as they are inside the src/github.com/cmu440 directory. Any changes you make to other starter files will be ignored on Gradescope.


How to Write Go Code

If at any point you have any trouble with building, installing, or testing your code, the article titled How to Write Go Code is a great resource for understanding how Go workspaces are built and organized. You might also find the documentation for the go command to be helpful. As always, feel free to post your questions on Edstem.

Testing your code using srunner & crunner

To make testing your key-value store a bit easier, we have provided two simple kvserver/kvclient runner programs called srunner and crunner. If you look at the source code for the two programs, you'll notice that they import the github.com/cmu440/kvserver or github.com/cmu440/kvclient package (in other words, they compile against the current state of your key-value store implementation). We believe you will find these programs useful at any stage of development, to check whether your kvclient and kvserver can connect, whether local actors are syncing, whether remote actors are syncing, etc.

To run these programs, use the go run command from inside the directory storing the file.

Start a server that has a single request actor on port 6001 by default: navigate to src/github.com/cmu440/srunner and run

go run srunner.go

Connect to a request actor and make requests: navigate to src/github.com/cmu440/crunner and run

go run crunner.go <request actor address>

where <request actor address> is e.g. localhost:6001.

The srunner program may be customized using command line flags. For more information, specify the -h flag at the command line. For example,

$ go run srunner.go -h
  srunner [options] <existing server descs...>
where options are:
  -count int
      request actor count (default 1)
  -port int
      starting port number (default 6000)

Testing your code by playing the game

We have also provided a game client, CMUD, which you can use to test your key-value store implementation.

To run a server, navigate to github.com/cmu440/srunner and run:

go run srunner.go -count 5

To run the CMUD client, navigate to github.com/cmu440/app and run:

go run cmud.go <request actor address>

where <request actor address> is e.g. localhost:6001.

Running the tests

All tests are inside the src/github.com/cmu440/tests directory. On Gradescope, we will execute the following command from inside the appropriate directory for each test (where <test name> is the name of one of the test cases, such as TestOneActorGet or TestLocalSyncBasic2):

go test -race -cpu 4 -timeout <timeout> -run=<test name>

Note that we will execute each test individually using the -run flag and by specifying the test to run. To ensure that previous tests don't affect the outcome of later tests, we recommend executing the tests individually as opposed to all together using go test. Alternatively, you may implement the Close() functions in kvserver/server.go and kvclient/client.go, which should make it possible to run multiple/repeated tests in a single go test command.

We have also provided Gradescope test script mocks checkpoint.sh and final.sh in src/github.com/cmu440/tests/. When you execute one of these scripts, you can get a rough sense of what your score should be on Gradescope.

Submitting to Gradescope

Please disable or remove all debug prints regardless of whether you are using a logging framework or not before submitting to Gradescope. This helps avoid inadvertent failures, messy autograder outputs, and style point deductions.

For both the checkpoint and the final submission, create handin.zip using the following command under the p3/ directory, and then upload it to Gradescope.

sh make_submit.sh

Keep in mind the submission limits and partner guidelines described in the handout.


Running the actor example

To run the "counter actor" example in example/, first finish actor/mailbox.go. Then in the example/ folder, run:

go run .

(go run main.go doesn't work due to a technicality.)

Reading the API Documentation

Before you begin the project, you should read and understand all of the starter code we provide. To make this experience a little less traumatic (we know, it's a lot :P), you can read the documentation in a browser:

  1. Install godoc globally, by running the following command outside the src/github.com/cmu440 directory:
go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc@latest
  1. Start a godoc server by running the following command inside the src/github.com/cmu440 directory:
godoc -http=:5050
  1. While the server is running, navigate to localhost:5050/pkg/github.com/cmu440 in a browser.

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