
Performance Testing



W(n) \in O(k \cdot f(n)) \geq 1 - \left(\frac{1}{n}\right)^k

Expectation: E[X] = \sum_{a \in \Omega} Pr\{a\} \cdot X(a)

Linear Expectation: X = X_0 + X_1 \implies E[X] = E[X_0] + E[X_1]

Union Bound: Pr\{A \cup B\} \leq Pr\{A\} + Pr\{B\}

Markov Bound: for non-negative random variable X \geq 0 \land a > 0 \implies Pr\{X \geq a\} \leq \frac{E[X]}{a}

Conditional Probability: Pr\{A \cap B\} = Pr\{A\} \cdot Pr\{B | A\} = Pr\{B\} \cdot Pr\{A | B\}

Work and Span

We know that

\begin{align*} T_p \geq S \land T_p \geq \lceil\frac{W}{P}\rceil \implies T_p \geq \max\left( S, \lceil\frac{W}{P}\rceil \right) \end{align*}

T_p \geq \lceil\frac{W}{P}\rceil because \lceil\frac{W}{P}\rceil assumes no dependency.

T_p \geq S because we have limited number of processors.

In addition, for greedy scheduler, we have

T_p < \lceil\frac{W}{P}\rceil + S

The above proof is provided below

and therefore

\max \left(\lceil\frac{W}{P}\rceil, S\right) \leq T_p < \lceil\frac{W}{P}\rceil + S

and we also know that parallel time T_p

\begin{align*} T_p <& \frac{W}{P} + S\\ =& \frac{W}{P} + \frac{W}{\bar{P}} \tag{by definition}\\ =& \frac{W}{P} (1 + \frac{P}{\bar{P}})\\ \end{align*}

Observe that when \bar{P} >> P, the parallel time \max \left(\frac{W}{P}, S\right) \leq T_P \leq \frac{W}{P} which means S \to 0. Therefore \bar{P} is a good measurement of parallism.

Speedup S_p: fraction of sequential time over parallel time.

S_p = \frac{T_s}{T_p}


Adding and Merge to produce desired output

Adding and Merge to produce desired output


Generally, your formula look like this:

W(n) = \alpha W\left(\frac{n}{\beta}\right) + O\left(f(n)\right)

The parent layer has work: f(n). The children layer has work: \alpha f(\frac{n}{\beta}). We compare them to find out whether it is root dominated or leaf dominated or balanced.

For leaf-dominated: there are \alpha^{\log_\beta n} leaves, giving O((\alpha^{\log_\beta n})\times f(1)) = O(n^{\log_\beta \alpha}) cost of the tree.

For balanced: there are \sum_{i = 1}^{\log_\beta n} \alpha^{i} nodes, giving O((\sum_{i = 1}^{\log_\beta n} \alpha^{i}) \times f(1)) cost of the tree.


If it involves O(\sqrt{n}), to solve for the number of layers k. We solve 1=n^{\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{k}}. We got k = \log_{1/2}\left(\log_{n}1\right). But this won't get us any further. You should set n = 2^m, then define S(m) = T(2^m) and write everything in terms of S(\cdot)

Here is an example: We want to solve S(n) = 2 (\sqrt{n}) + 1. Write S(2^m) = 2 S(2^(m/2)) + 1. Define W(m) = S(2^m), then we have equation W(m) = W(m/2) + 1. We solve to get W(m) \in O(log m), therefore we know that S(2^m) \in O(\log m). Let n = 2^m \implies m = \log n. Subsitute we get S(n) \in O(\log \log n).

The solution for T(n) = T(\sqrt{n}) + 1 is O(\log \log n) (balanced).

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