Lecture 012 - Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford, Johnson

Shortest Path


Edge weight: a mapping between each edge to a real number. (When edge does not exist, then weight is infinity)

We allow negative edge weight. But this is non-trivial: There can be a cycle with negative total weight, leading to shortest path with weight -\infty. Even if we don't allow cycles, extension to allow negative weight is challenging.

Weight of the path: sum of weights in the path

Flavors of Shortest Path

Applying the Sub-Paths Property

Applying the Sub-Paths Property

Sub-path property: any sub-path of a shortest path is itself a shortest path

See graph above: Suppose we want the shortest path from s to v. If an oracle tells us the shortest path to all vertices except v, then we only need O(|V|) to find the shortest path.

Notice that adding a constant to each path changes the shortest path, but multiplying does not.

Dijkstra's Algorithm

Dijkstra's Property

Dijkstra's Property

Dijkstra's Property: The overall shortest-path weight from s via a vertex in X directly to a neighbor in Y (in the frontier) is as short as any path from s to any vertex in Y.

Dijkstra's Algorithm: priority-first search:

  1. start at s with d(s) = 0
  2. use priority = p(v) = \min_{x\in X}(d(x)+w(x, v))
  3. set d(v) = p(v) when v visited

Note that we calculate \min using priority queue. We are sure a path is shortest only when we pop out of queue. There can be multiple duplicated elements in the queue, but only the shortest will get visited.

Dijkstra with priority queue

Dijkstra with priority queue


Cost of Dijkstra

Cost of Dijkstra

Note that if we use decreaseKey, we can do priority queue operation in O(m + n \log n)

For enumerated graphs the cost of the tree tables could be improved by using adjacency sequences for the graph, and ephemeral or single-threaded sequences for the distance table, but priority queue operation still dominates the cost even when using decreaseKey.

O(m\log n) = O(m \log m) since m \leq n^2

A* Algorithm

A* Algorithm

A* Algorithm

Heuristic must be:

Worst heuristic: h(v) = 0

Best heuristic: h(v) = \delta(v, t) (visits exactly the vertices on the shortest path)

Bellman-Ford's Algorithm

Dijkstra's property fail with negative weight

Dijkstra's property fail with negative weight


  1. keep a single-threaded sequence denoting the minimum distance so far from vertex s
  2. initialize the sequence at source s position to be 0 and other to be \infty
  3. for every edge, update the shortest distance
  4. repeat until when either there is no update in this round or you have repeated |V| times
  5. If the last time is still updating, then there is a negative cycle
  6. If you want to find all cycles, repeat |V| many times again for negative to propagate throughout the graph (anything reachable to negative cycle will also turn to negative)

// QUESTION: Can you tell which node is directly involved in creating negative cycles?

Bellman Ford Algorithm

Bellman Ford Algorithm

Costs with table:

Costs with sequence: O(mn) work and O(n \log n) span.

Johnson's Algorithm

Here is a good video

Johnson's Algorithm:

If we would running Bellman-Ford algorithm from each vertex, we would cost W(n, m) = O(mn) \times n = O(mn^2).

Two phrase:

  1. Bellman-Ford's algorithm: update weights on edge, eliminate negative weights
  2. Dijkstra's algorithm from each vertex
Run Work Span
1 x Bellman Ford O(mn) O(n log n)
n x Dijkstra n \times O(m \log n) O(m \log n)
Total O(mn \log n) O(m \log n)

Johnson's Algorithm: adding virtual vertex

Johnson's Algorithm: adding virtual vertex

Johnson's Algorithm: producing graph with no negative weight cycle

Johnson's Algorithm: producing graph with no negative weight cycle


  1. make a virtualVertex, connect virtualVertex to every other vertex with a directed virtualEdge of weight 0.
  2. Calculate single source shortest path using Johnson's Algorithm from virtualVertex
  3. Assign shortest path length to each vertex as vertex's "potential", let p(v) denotes the potential of a vertex v.
  4. Let w(u, v) denotes the original edge weight from u to v. Then we update weight to be w'(u, v) = w(u, v) + p(u) - p(v)
  5. Proof Minimum Path No Change: Along any path all potentials except the first and last cancel since each is subtracted from the incoming edge and added to the outgoing edge. Therefore the total weight of a path is the original weight + p(u) - p(v). Since this only depends on u, v, which path is the shortest from u, v does not change. Any path length will now be \delta_{G'}(u, v) = \delta_{G}(u, v) + p(u) - p(v) (we can use this formula to re-calculate original path length)
  6. Proof No Negative Edge: For an original edge (u, v) with weight -a, the distance from virtualVertex to v must be a less than from virtualVertex to u. This difference p(u) - p(v) \geq a will cancel out the negative edge.
  7. Run Dijkstra on all vertices

Although we set the weights from the "dummy" source to each vertex to 0, any finite weight for each edge will do. In fact all that matters is that the distances from the source to all vertices in G' are non-infinite.

If there is a vertex in the original graph G that can reach all other vertices then we can use it as the source and there is no need to add a new source.


Graph Strategies:

Here is a good video on metric space.

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