Frank Pfenning [email protected]
(Programming Language and Logic)
Charlie Garrod [email protected]
(Database and Distributed Systems)
Lead TAs: ...
Anna Qiu
Daniel Ng
Gradescope: Here Diderot: Here Labs: Here (a "0" or a "-" if your code compiled successfully, "-1000" otherwise) Grade: Here Schedule: Here Zoom: Here SML Help: Here OHQueue: Here
Attendance: Zoom or in-person, no recording (there is tracking of attendance in both recitation and lecture, lecture quiz may apply)
Mondays, Wednesdays: lectures
Firday: exam, help, lectures
Recitation Attendance on Diderot by Poll
30% Assignments: 12 (or 11) assignments on diderot
15% Midterm exam 1
15% Midterm exam 2
25% Final exam
10% Quizzes: Online, open book, weekly, un-timed, on Diderot, released on Thursday, due next Thursday. One time submission. Cover material up to Monday. Every quiz is due at 11:59 PM US Eastern Time, graded like homework
5% Participation
Assignments (Labs):
Late Days: no late days
Due: usually due on Monday (not always)
Sumbit: coding on Diderot, written on Gradescope, 11:59 PM US Eastern Time, 10% deduction (1% per 5min) for each of 2 late days (written and programming counted separately)
Grading: If you reach 80% of the total available points for an assignment, you get full credit on that assignment. Scores less than 80% are scaled accordingly
Programming: either self-explanatory or contains good comments. you can help us by providing a statement of what you think your cost bound is and a short description of why you think that this bound holds. See SML Style Guide for detail. You can code on ssh [email protected]
Regrade: 2 week after grade release announcement
Recitation: you can change sections, but only for rare situation
Academic Integrity: no collaboration or outside sources. However, it is "permissible to discuss a homework assignment with other students, provided that the following whiteboard policy is respected." But "it is not acceptable to share your solutions or give hints to your friends for a lab after you have already discovered the correct idea."
To correct score of 0 for style:
WARNING: do not resubmit on diderot, it will be counted as late work
Some Recorded Lectures:
Other recorded sessions:
Table of Content