
Encodings of Geometry

Different Encoding of a Circle

Different Encoding of a Circle

Challenges: can't find the best representation

Explicit Encoding: all points are given directly (easy to find all points, relatively easy to check point belonging, hard to check 3D relation)

Implicit Encoding (decision problem): find the best way to encode functions (hard to find all points, easy to check point belonging, easy to check 3D relation)

Implicit Encoding

Algebraic Surfaces

Algebraic Surfaces

Algebraic Surfaces: surface is a zero set of polynomial in x, y, z.

Boolean Operations in Constructive Solid Geometry

Boolean Operations in Constructive Solid Geometry

Geometric Tree in Constructive Solid Geometry

Geometric Tree in Constructive Solid Geometry

Constructive Solid Geometry: building complicated shapes using boolean operations

Blobby Surfaces in Extended Dimension

Blobby Surfaces in Extended Dimension

Blending Irregular Shape with Distance Function

Blobby Surfaces: blend surfaces together

Explicit Encoding

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