"Ghost of My Life (No Future)"
music got stuck in time; no big changes
no technological progress
what is reality
reality is no longer a internal concepts
"Commodity / Exchange"
buying brand/lifestyle
it just a slot on the server (no something physical)
because it is conceptual, it's cheap
"Hyper-real / Simulacrum / Simulation"
perfect copy
perfect representation
Keep earning: inflation Cutton tex: falling inflation, interest rate, good economy.
Capitalist Realism: capitalism is the only way to do economy and society.
absorb everything
no restriction
by Fisher
opening up of ego
experience time differently -> only experience the present.
personal identity = past, present, future
we are reduced to material, object
different between capitalism and post-modernism
capitalism in our unconscious. emotions and all are influenced by capitalism.
Capital-realism (how to destroy capitalist realism)
mental health:
environment (climate)
Ending: A little twist could change a lot
phallocentrism: focusing on power holder (patriarchy) modernism:
aesthetic mode from WW1 responding to trauma
(modernism art and literature -> individual pieces work together -> like a collage)
modern -> from Enlightenment life style change
The idea of anti-capitalism movement comes from capitalism ideology itself.
Capital Realism: a motivation to always have desire to get or become the ideal self
Tontology: white philosophy are not related to physical.
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