Lecture 018

Surjection - horizontal line test at least once

Surjection(surjectivity): everything in the codomain gets hit by something

Injection - horizontal line test at most once

Definition: let A, and B be set and f: A \to B be a function, we say that f is injective(1-to-1).

Bijection (Both Injection and Surjection)

Definition: let A, and B be set and f: A \to B be a function, we say that f is bijection iff f is both injection and surjection.

1-to-1 example

1-to-1 example

onto example

onto example

Function Composition

Definition: Let A, B, C be sets and f:A\to B \land g:B\to C be functions. The function k:A\to C are defined by (\forall a \in A)(h(a) = g(f(a))) is called the composition of g and f, denoted h=g \circ f.

Theorem: Let A, B, C, D be sets and f:A\to B \land g:B\to C, h:C\to D be functions. Then f \circ (g \circ f) = (h \circ g) \circ f

observe: if f: A\to A, then id_A \circ f = f \circ id_A = f

Identity Function

id_A: A \to A, a |-> a TODO what is this notation TODO what is identity on a function


Definition: Let A, B be sets and f: A \to B and g: B \to A be functions. g is the inverse of f (g = f^{-1}) iff f \circ g = id_B \land g \circ f = id_A

Theorem: Let f: A \to B be a function. f is invertible iff f is a bijection.

Corollary: if f is invertible, then f^-1 is unique

Prove Bijection by Proving Invertible

Claim: f: \mathbb{R} / \{3\} \to \mathbb{R} / \{1\} is a bijection by f(x) = \frac{x-2}{x-3}



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