Lecture 013


Implementation with void-star

Implementation with void-star

Hashing & Hash Dictionary


Hash Sets:

Hash Set Interface

Hash Set Interface

Code for Dictionary


 * Dictionaries, implemented with separate chaining,
 *               with key and values as part of entry
 * 15-122 Principles of Imperative Computation

#use <util>
#use <conio>

Client interface

// typedef ______* entry;               // Supplied by client
// typedef ______  key;                 // Supplied by client

key  entry_key(entry x)                 // Supplied by client
  /*@requires x != NULL; @*/ ;
int  key_hash(key k);                   // Supplied by client
bool key_equiv(key k1, key k2);         // Supplied by client

Complex Libraries


Implementation Header

typedef struct chain_node chain;
struct chain_node {
  entry  data;           // != NULL; contains both key and value
  chain* next;

typedef struct hdict_header hdict;
struct hdict_header {
  int size;              // 0 <= size
  chain*[] table;        // \length(table) == capacity
  int capacity;          // 0 < capacity

Data Structure Invariants

bool is_array_expected_length(chain*[] table, int length) {
  //@assert \length(table) == length;
  return true;

bool is_hdict(hdict* H) {
  return H != NULL
      && H->capacity > 0
      && H->size >= 0
      && is_array_expected_length(H->table, H->capacity);
   /* && non-NULL entries */
   /* && acyclic */
   /* && with correct index */
   /* && no duplication */
   /* && number of entries equal to size field */

Invalidating Invariant:

Dictionaries Functions

int index_of_key(hdict* H, key k)
//@requires is_hdict(H);
//@ensures 0 <= \result && \result < H->capacity;
  return abs(key_hash(k) % H->capacity); // this line has bug

hdict* hdict_new(int capacity)
//@requires capacity > 0;
//@ensures is_hdict(\result);
  hdict* H = alloc(hdict);
  H->size = 0;
  H->capacity = capacity;
  H->table = alloc_array(chain*, capacity);
  return H;

entry hdict_lookup(hdict* H, key k)
//@requires is_hdict(H);
//@ensures \result == NULL || key_equiv(entry_key(\result), k);
  int i = index_of_key(H, k);
  for (chain* p = H->table[i]; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
    if (key_equiv(entry_key(p->data), k))
      return p->data;
  return NULL;

void hdict_insert(hdict* H, entry x)
//@requires is_hdict(H);
//@requires x != NULL;
//@ensures is_hdict(H);
//@ensures hdict_lookup(H, entry_key(x)) == x;
  key k = entry_key(x);
  int i = index_of_key(H, k);
  for (chain* p = H->table[i]; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
    //@assert p->data != NULL;  // From preconditions -- operational reasoning!
    if (key_equiv(entry_key(p->data), k)) {
      p->data = x;

  // prepend new entry
  chain* p = alloc(chain);
  p->data = x;
  p->next = H->table[i];
  H->table[i] = p;


int chain_length(chain* p) {
  int i = 0;
  while (p != NULL) {
    p = p->next;
  return i;

// report the distribution stats for the hashtable
void hdict_stats(hdict* H)
//@requires is_hdict(H);
  int max = 0;
  int[] A = alloc_array(int, 11);
  for(int i = 0; i < H->capacity; i++) {
    int j = chain_length(H->table[i]);
    if (j > 9) A[10]++;
    else A[j]++;
    if (j > max) max = j;

  println("Hash table distribution: how many chains have size... ");
  for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    print("..."); printint(i); print(":   "); printint(A[i]); print("\n");
  print("...10+: "); printint(A[10]); print("\n");
  print("Longest chain: "); printint(max); print("\n");

// Client-side type
typedef hdict* hdict_t;


/*** Library interface ***/

// typedef ______* hdict_t;

hdict_t hdict_new(int capacity)
/*@requires capacity > 0; @*/
/*@ensures \result != NULL; @*/ ;

entry hdict_lookup(hdict_t H, key k)
/*@requires H != NULL; @*/
/*@ensures \result == NULL || key_equiv(entry_key(\result), k); @*/ ;

void hdict_insert(hdict_t H, entry x)
/*@requires H != NULL && x != NULL; @*/
/*@ensures hdict_lookup(H, entry_key(x)) == x; @*/ ;

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