/usr/bin/time -p /.a.out -r 200 -n 100000
real x.xx
user x.xx (look at this)
sys x.xx
Wall-clock time:
applicable to large class of program (yes)
independent of hardware (no)
applicable to many types of resources (no)
mathematically rigorous (no)
useful to help us select algorithms (unclear)
Method: We count steps according the worst case. Problem:
we don't know exactly how many steps inside one function
we are checking n+1 times for loop guard
we don't know the computational power associated with each different step
F(x) function has f(n) complexity G(x) function has g(n) complexity
Bad Definition: F(x) is better than G(x) if for all n, f(n)<=g(n)
- well, some function can better handling small inputs. We need some algorithms that can do well in stress test.
Better Definition: F(x) is better than G(x) if there exists a natural number n0 such that for all n>n0, f(n)<=g(n)
Good Definition: there exists a natural number n0 and a real c>0 such that for all n>=n0, f(n)<=cg(n)
(O(g(n)) is a set of functions where f(n) \in O(g(n)) iff there are some c\in \mathbb{R}^{+} and some n_0 \in \mathbb{N} s.t. (\forall n \geq n_0)(f(n)\leq c\times g(n)))
if we can we scale the function in big-O so that the function in big-O can be linearly greater than the left.
O(g(n)) denotes all family of functions that runs no slower than any constant scale of g(n) as n gets unimaginablely big (approaches infinity)
f\in O(g): f is better than g
O(g) is a set
O(n) just means respect to n variable, so we can have O(wh) but not O(n^2)
if f(x) and g(x) have the same complexity, then f \in O(g) as well as g \in O(f)
change of log base does not matter
(A outrun B, A outpace B, means A is slower)
because max(x,y) <= x+y <= 2max(x,y), then O(max(x,y)) <= O(x+y) <= O(max(x,y)). So we just write O(x+y)
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