Website: 15-122 Diderot: 15-122 Lecture: Zoom Professor Office Hour: Zoom
Iliano: 2-3pm on Mondays and Thursdays, click here (passcode: 358169)
Dilsun: 1-2pm on Mondays and Tuesdays, click here (passcode: 963594)
Sunday 2pm–4pm, 10pm–12am
Monday 10am–12pm, 6pm–8pm
Tuesday 8pm–12am
Wednesday 8pm–12am
Thursday 6pm–8pm*
Friday 10am–12pm, 6pm–8pm
Saturday 2pm–4pm, 10pm–12am
Autolab: Here Grade Checking: Here Lab: Here Recitation: Here Recitation Handout: Here Labs and Recitations: Zoom Recording Links: Here Slide: Here In-class Activity: Here C0 For Ubuntu: Here
Lecture: Tuesday, Thursday (Zoom) (Recording) Lab: Monday (Zoom) Office Hours: (Zoom) - online 24-7
Lecture Notes: Here How to ask Questions: Here
isolate function that cause problems
search for existing questions
make public questions unless it involves my own code
I am fine as long as I don't give other student my code
What is the actual problem? (eg: assertion failure, segfault, etc)
What did I expect to happen and why?
What have I tried so far?
Where in my debugging/thinking process did I get stuck?
What do I think could be the issue? Any guesses?
:warning: Finally, to get the point for Task 4 in programming assignment 1, modify your salute function so that salute(3) returns "STAY SAFE". Make sure to change the precondition appropriately to account for the fact that 3 is a valid input.
Labs and in class activity(5%): All you need to earn the full 5% grade for this portion of the course is to accumulate 50 points overall. (13 graded labs + 27 lectures)
4 points for completing all exercises
3 points for completing sufficiently many exercises
1.5 point for completing some exercises but not quite enough to get a good practice
0 points for not completing any exercise, not showing up, or coming to the wrong section
Recitation: no grade
Programming Homework (12 weekly): submit on machine, 3 late days, at most 1 per homework, no extension, Autolab. :warning: Autolab only takes the last submission, not the highest score.
Written Homework (13 weekly): posted on Diderot, submitted on Gradescope, no late days, 50% penalty if submitted in 12 hours
Exams (2 midterm 12.5% each): closed book Oct.8 2020, Nov.12 2020.
Final Exams (25%): Dec.31, 3 hours
Exams: Here
TODO: View Schedule TODO: Read Guide to Success TODO: View Lecture Note
Table of Content